Spiritual Life of Cafh

Course IV - Teaching 1: The Voice of the Masters

Human beings do not find upon earth their wished peace and happiness. Only the detachment from transitory goods and achievement of the divine love can give peace and happiness to being.

Course IV - Teaching 2: Predestined Souls

The vocation of Cafh is supernatural. Therefore souls called to assemble and fulfill it are predestined. Of course, all human beings by their potential participation in the Divinity are called to spiritual life.

Course IV - Teaching 3: The Regulation

Man is composed harmoniously and mathematically; so he is ruled by laws and organic, ethic and cosmic rules that are indisputable and inalterable. His development and evolution follow certain evolutionary plan by natural and contingent methods gradually unfolded every hour of his living.

Course IV - Teaching 4: Radius of Stability

Cafh is a work destined to form a Reunion of souls upon earth. As such it needs an earthly magnetic point whose support is not a sense of possession, but a sense of rooting.

Course IV - Teaching 5: The Teaching

Cafh’s Teaching is Divine, Eternal. It reveals means to crystallize the Divine Plan on earth, defines inherent verities to the Mother Idea of the present and coming race, of fundamental and contingent verities, and keep direct, continuous communication between Masters and Sons.

Course IV - Teaching 6: Categories

The soul achieves the supreme realization in stages. These stages are not indicated by external factors but determined by intimate, deep transformations marking the progress of the Sons. But Cafh divides his Sons into several Categories and Groups, trying to harmonize and adapt the external, visible transformation to internal progresses.

Course IV - Teaching 7: The Mother Idea

Each race has a Mother Idea that is a thread stringing all its thoughts and actions and guiding the race during its entire existence. The Mother Idea of the Aryan Race is the homogeneous structuralization of human and divine values.

Course IV - Teaching 8: Cafh and Religions

Cafh has its own conception of the individual being and its relationship with the world and God. This principle neither denies nor excludes different conceptions, and only represents the fulcrum that a soul needs to be steady and take necessary energy to fly.

Course IV - Teaching 9: Gifts of Cafh

The Son that takes part in the reunion of souls in Cafh deserves the Supernatural Gifts emerged from it. It is understood that these Supernatural Gifts are granted to the Son because he adopted a receptive attitude by ancestral predestination, by his participation in the Great Work and by his inner disposition.

Course IV - Teaching 10: Providential Economy

The Sons of Cafh practice the Providential Economy. The Son feels that his material goods and earnings granted by these goods do not entirely belong to him but have to be proportionally divided.