Course IV - Teaching 6: Categories

The soul achieves the supreme realization in stages.
These stages are not indicated by external factors but determined by intimate, deep transformations marking the progress of the Sons.
But Cafh divides his Sons into several Categories and Groups, trying to harmonize and adapt the external, visible transformation to internal progresses.
This not always rigorous since there are advanced Sons occupying lower categories and vice versa. These apparent contradictions ever respond to a particular need of the Son, which is accessory and never fundamental. The soul admitted in Cafh was predestined, even if remained on the Path just a moment. Potentially this soul takes part in all the spiritual life of Cafh, and actively and progressively in a part of that life.
Several categories and groups desire to indicate and demonstrate this active participation.
Symbols and Regulation expound the internal and external succession of these ascending stages of the Sons. Also, the Sons are in two groups of men and women.
This is beyond any discussion in the reunion of souls predestined to collaborate in the formation of the future race by their contribution of inner-mystical experiences. It is indispensable the division and selection of several types to find the ideal type.
These divisions shall be unnecessary as soon as every soul of Cafh responds to the Only Stimulus of the Spiritual Idea, but certainly shall be necessary in regard to situation and study.
Sex is determined by a number of contradictory vibrations that permit certain vibrations to prevail over others. These vibrations are of confused ideas and various feelings. The whole evil of the world comes later, and this is quite visible in the history of mankind, of successive confused ideas that continuously create and destroy, and of emotions of attraction and hatred. The distinction of sex makes this fight more acute.
The will of present man is not integrally determined despite the fact that usually we are told that a person has more mind than heart.
Just the Spiritual Idea can re-establish a peaceful kingdom in the world.
The Spiritual Idea is a perfect, integral idea that is the result of clear ideas and genuine feelings. There are no ideas and emotions, but a conjoint, simultaneous emotion-idea.
Cafh divides the souls into groups of men and women to educate different wills and to lead them toward the Spiritual Idea. A being of the future shall not be hermaphrodite but a being of harmonious and similar reactions, which shall not seek attraction and reaction in the diversity of sexes, but a complement eventually harmonious and only lightly differentiated.
Categories determine the number of possibilities of the Sons.
Every one of the Sons brings with him a Law of Consequences that he has to observe in his lifetime despite his spiritual vocation and destination to Cafh.
Here are infinite factors –physical, ethical and ancestral– in need of consideration to know if one can jump or nor over certain hurdles. Also, in any category, one can attain the spiritual summit, for in all categories there are successive grades enhancing and preparing the soul for the supreme realization. Categories are only related to several methods of life of the human beings.
Cafh does not say only one state of life takes to perfection, since considers that the Son can become free in several stages more or less rapidly.
The base-category is devoted to education and usual development of the Sons. It is the school of Cafh. In it the Son becomes physically, mentally and spiritually fit.
The Radius of Stability and the practice of imposed disciplines remove in one, four and seven years the undesirable cells. So the Son has a new proper and fit body to start the march.
The power of the Great Current and the study of the Teachings remove several mental vibrations and prepare the thought to the Only Idea. Practice of Meditation and study of the inner life are discovering to the soul the true love and the Image of the Divine Mother by forming an unbreakable will.
The Retrospective Survey and its knowledge lead the Son to choose his relative state of life and category.
The Category of those Sons living in the world has to form model families. Many Cafh’s Sons are living, working and struggling in the world. This Category is the support point in Cafh. They are destined to form families that shall be the image of families of the future, free of personal selfishness and racial ties.
Cafh considers family as a negative factor only when its attention flows exclusively into it, restricted to a selfish circle, since in Cafh’s view the true family has to be source of union and help for all beings.
In this sense, Cafh’s motto is, “I love my dear ones through the eyes of all human beings”.
This Cafh’s family has to be a center of solidarity for all human beings, where the law is hospitality, good advice, serving our neighbor and illuminating the mind of those who are in quest of the path.
Its spiritual mission shall be to live the inner mystique, not neglecting at all its external duties, even the most insignificant. Its ceaseless apostolate will be an efficient help to mankind. We understand by efficient help the inner prayer along with external action. Also the spiritual life of these Sons has to be transmitted to relatives and sons. It must have, as one of its main motives, to beget souls for Cafh and the future race.
The category of Sons living in Community aims at perfection more rapidly achieved by its members. The Son finds in Community all outer means and necessary willingness for spiritual exercises and practices, entirely, with no worry.
Also the Sons divide into several groups.
The soul must have at its disposal the necessary tools for the spiritual work. Children are fed by milk and men by bread. A great evil would be caused in case of giving to every Son the whole number of teachings and mystical experience of Cafh. It is obvious the evil caused by certain Teachings within the reach of everybody, and by the teaching of certain psychical practices for a person not prepared to take it.
In every group the Son receives his suitable spiritual bread and prudently is initiated in ascetic practices, being closely observed because the unknown ever is a double-edged weapon.
One must be prudent even with those souls that since the beginning show great aptitudes and aims, and their proper preparation has to last one, four and seven years.
Truly extraordinary vocations –since certain souls are already ancestrally prepared and able to receive higher teachings and orientations– never are marked by enthusiasm and excitation but by an intimate resistance to be subject to discipline, suffering and practices of internal virtues.
Many Sons, over all beginners, feel sorry because Cafh does not grant to them any obvious apostolate or certain direct work.
Cafh has no apostolate or direct work to do. Sons’ apostolate emerges from within, sprouts by itself outwards from their souls in due course; it is something of oneself, not something that one does, is like a light that one cannot avoid seeing.
Cure of the sick, providence for the needy and direction of souls become an entirely internal practice. As soon as the internal cup of the soul is full, naturally overflows, all in due moment and time.
Not surprisingly certain souls in Cafh are stagnated on a place and do not go further. They have missed their possibility because of their idiosyncrasy or lack of application. They reach a top point and do not progress. But these souls do not waste their time and prepare their total development for a future time.
So stages and groups are ever indispensable for the progress of the Sons.

Cafh Founder

Disciple, the Teachings –free, generous and magisterial– are at your disposal. It is up to you. Master Santiago came back!
