Course IV - Teaching 7: The Mother Idea

Each race has a Mother Idea that is a thread stringing all its thoughts and actions and guiding the race during its entire existence.
The Mother Idea of the Aryan Race is the homogeneous structuralization of human and divine values.
Great Solar Initiates of the First Category throw the Mother Idea in the beginning of the Race. Properly we can say the Mother Idea is born with the Race. Development of reason is fundamental factor of possibility, so man can integrally develop, humanly and divinely. He must be able to have his own means of living experience in regard to the Cosmos and God.
The Atlantean man, with unimaginable intuitive possibilities, would live in two entirely different worlds: the physical world, where his destiny was determined by his natural instinctive will, and the spiritual world, where his ultra-terrestrial possibilities became gigantic by the participation of his consciousness in the Cosmic Consciousness.
But in Aryan man, this powerful natural force and this grand creative consciousness had to disappear to act in the Great Divine Plan, but as if he were isolated and alone.
This shall be the great conquest of the Aryan man, and at the same time his great tragedy. He remains alone and in the dark in front of great existential problems that he has to solve by his own efforts.
Reason shall establish a bridge between heaven and earth, but the person that crosses over it shall be unable to glimpse the points of union between earth and heaven.
The Mother Idea of the Aryan Race emerges over all by the struggle of man between destiny and freewill.
Man has the gift of discourse, discrimination, differentiation and memory. The same intellectual values constantly impel him to be an arbiter in his own destiny. This power can grow to the point of leading him to satanically believe that he is different as a whole but similar to the Cosmos.
But destiny in its eternal becoming wraps him time and again with its inescapable whirlpools and finally takes possession of him and returns him to his state of consciousness.
Man never can attain a real solution in front of these problems but really his bridge of rational knowledge is just a mean of liberation. Also, it is this struggle that continuously drives the destiny that the Mother Idea forges for him: that man may become God, not by his own means but by making use of those proper means.
So, man attains the realization when, being able to reason, does not reason, and being unable to understand anything except by analogy, solves the problem of destiny and freewill by making use of a higher feeling. Then, the determining will becomes one through mystical surrender to the Cosmic Consciousness.
Great Solar Initiates of Second Category guide the Mother Idea by canalizing it through different courses toward the achievement of the end.
God is hidden from human eyes, as if He did not exist, and man “in the sweat of his face must eat bread”. But God shall never abandon him and promises him a future alliance.
Man has to remain alone before himself and, but his own efforts, has to solve all his problems. But the divine power inhabits the depths of his being.
Detached from the divine source, he believes he is different. But the divinity remains in it. But because man has a divine essence and believes he is just human, he establishes his work of personal development and therefore determines continuous separateness.
The work of man, before being integral again, shall be source of death, pain and ruin. Beings are continuously divided, separated and differentiated, until they do not recognize each other at all and have different personal characteristics, whether mental or racial.
Knowledge of parts brings by itself this significant blindness. Man shall see his own works but shall not see God. Then, by his own means, face to face with the uselessness of his efforts, he will be able to come back to the Divinity.
The pairs of human opposites, of life and death and of selfishness and collectiveness constantly undermine beings but at the same time impel them to their redemption.
Divine promises continuously come to the surface in the soul of man with a ceaseless and indestructible eagerness for starting ever again and for trying his own re-establishment.
Great Solar Initiates of the Third Category keep the Mother Idea alive by renewing it continuously.
Separateness and struggle for prevalence of man upon man give him limitless means that make of him as a God upon earth and at the same time sink him in the deepest abysses of death and despair.
Michael and Satan shall go on to fight until the end of the Race.
Seemingly with atomic discoveries on the one hand, and world wars on the other hand, our present era is the highest model of these typical results of man.
Man is continuously led from one extreme to other by the Divine Voice trying to give him back the harmonious sense and to induce him to identify the extraordinary results of his power with the Eternal Laws of the Universe.
In the deepest darkness of the world, the Great Solar Initiates of the Fourth Category come to live with humans to return to mankind the sense of its divine and supernatural state, and to help it cross over the great bridge of reason, for its free circulation from earth to heaven. But this help is not enough. To transform the human power into divine power we need a substantial union of the two elements, human and divine. Then necessarily the same divinity must come into being and live in it, and be grafted in it and transformed into its own life, so that finally the Mother Idea of the Race is attained: the achievement of the God-Man.
This hour, “1945”, is the hour for this divine child-birth.
Cafh takes wonderfully part in this definitive fulfillment of the Mother Idea. In superior and human forces as a whole, which are working for the birth of the divinity in man, the Mother Idea plays a prevailing part.
Cafh must contribute to the “egoentia” of the future man, the part of Inner Mystique of the Heart.
“Egoentia” means perfect individuality identified with the Cosmic Consciousness through redeemed souls that are similarly egocentric.
In the innermost depths of his being, the Son develops his mystical work to achieve the divine inner transcendence.
By these constant efforts, he enters himself, is fixed in himself, renounces to any externality, rejects any appearance and becomes nothing to grant to his intellectual understanding the smoothness of a mirror, when the divine beauty can be reflected. It becomes apparently nothing, but in reality constitutes a kind of perfect egocentric being that is totally divine.
The divinity expands around itself by participation of the Divine Mother in him, by predestination that makes him fit to Her manifestation in him. Here is the great labor of the Son, his great apostolate: to live and feel in himself what he desires to achieve outside and all the rest is vain.
The external work must be achieved only through a genuine expression of the integral inner being. Nothing can be done that previously is not within.
Cafh’s Son takes part in the achievement of the Mother Idea in the world by this inner plenitude that, since it is infinitesimal, its consequences can comprise the whole world and expand to the infinite.
Until today the spiritual position of Cafh is entirely tuned with the new metaphysical values to develop on the New Race.
His mission, that is totally internal, based just on negative virtues that deny the importance of one’s problems and individual problems, to give just value to world problems and problems of others, raises it to an unimagined height of possibilities and brings it into direct contact with the executive need of the future universal religion.
Its concepts, being spiritual, religiously transcend some fundamental laws.
The good of the soul is the most important good, and he who possesses it solves any problem and expands his capacity of work and resistance a hundred per cent.
The will should ever be analogical means a will tending entirely to fulfill the Divine Plan upon earth.
Superiority of man and hierarchy are only of spiritual character, an aristocracy of the spirit, not by racial and collective concepts, but by physical similarity and spiritual analogy, and The union of beings is only achieved, not by racial and collectivistic concepts, but by physical similarity and spiritual analogy.
New ideas shall give positive results by denial of systematic values. They shall give the man, only intermittently, a new dynamic force with potential and expansive characteristics. They shall develop in his brain new transmission-reception centers that shall put him into direct contact with mental cosmic waves.
With these principles, Cafh is made not only to achieve a spiritual inner development, but also for its expansion in the world as a new physical force granting to beings Bodies of Fire, as a new ethical force that shall give men dynamic capacity and power of understanding, as a new religion participating in the Universal Religion, which shall make possible their own spiritual realization.

Cafh Founder

Disciple, the Teachings –free, generous and magisterial– are at your disposal. It is up to you. Master Santiago came back!
