Course IV - Teaching 9: Gifts of Cafh

The Son that takes part in the reunion of souls in Cafh deserves the Supernatural Gifts emerged from it.
It is understood that these Supernatural Gifts are granted to the Son because he adopted a receptive attitude by ancestral predestination, by his participation in the Great Work and by his inner disposition.
The Supernatural Gifts of Cafh are incalculable and their results are visible and natural. Principal gifts are enumerated in benefits by participating in Cafh.
As the Son takes part in the Mystical Body of Cafh, acquires the Supernatural Gift of Love.
The pure love of surrender and renunciation purifies the Son in regard to any sensible love, and grants to him the possibility of a stainless union with the Great Work.
However the Son strives alone, he shall never be able to achieve that love that shall pervade his being at the moment established and ordered by the Divine Mother. Later this pure love of the Son’s soul is naturally transmitted to all beings around him and expands across the world as a promise of salvation and happiness.
Man ever jumps from reason to emotionality, and wanders between opposite susceptibility-tenderness impulses because he does not know the true love.
The Son that possesses this love manifested through spontaneous surrender possesses the secret of the Real Love.
As the Son receives proportionally and according to his category the Power of the Great, acquires the Supernatural Gift of the Force.
The Son has in himself infinite seeds of good and bad possibilities. Most times, in ordinary men, those seeds never can grow by lack of self-knowledge and will. Some ordinary common qualities, acquired in childhood, are those that continuously rule over psychological soul activities and suffocate any other trend that tries to sprout.
But as the Son is in touch with the Great Current, he recognizes himself and acquires the necessary supernatural force to develop his possibilities.
The inner renunciation vivifies the true egocentric individuality of the Son so that he may turn it on the Divine Mother.
Then the Son sees how all his bad trends come to the surface so that he may easily uproot and destroy them. On the other hand, good trends increase and vitalized appear on sight to be used. This gift grants to activities volume and capacity, and if properly assisted, they give the Son extraordinary faculties to achieve them.
The Son acquires the Gift of Wisdom when he receives a part of the Teaching.
Every mental-emotional soul power is divinely vivified in Cafh and rapidly and briefly enables the Son to grasp the knowledge.
It must be noted how easily the Sons grasp the teaching when they enter Cafh.
Men painstakingly get their knowledge and need years of study, experience and reading of numerous and very voluminous Teachings. With the exception of few genial and skilled people in the world, knowledge arrives when years of youth and activity have been left behind. Many times this knowledge is not attractive because is outdated.
By this gift, the Son has the wisdom that the Sons accumulated in other times, which is expressed by clear, synthetic and simple teachings that rapidly engraved in memory.
So wisdom enters the innermost depths of the soul for it would not be such if its object were not understood and felt. Any teaching is vain if at the same time cannot enter the mind and heart.
As the Son has the faculty to ask advice of the Superior, he acquires the Supernatural Gift of Advice.
Also the Son takes part in the experience of all Sons living e on earth and heaven by mutual similarity of the Bodies of Fire. This safeguard of supernatural experience is a direct participation in the ineffable advice of the Divine Voice of Hes.
The Son even has the good of seeing this indispensable advice orally confirmed by the Superiors.
The safe affirmative value of the advice has a power of realization that is truly divine and effective, and grants to the Son an almost ineffable possibility of updating his purpose. The value of the oral advice goes even beyond, and from the Son expands and comprises other beings because a righteous and true advice becomes a useful opinion for all. Spontaneously, and sometimes against his will, the Son gives good and opportune advices.
As the Son has the faculty of communicating without intermediaries with the Knight Great Master, he acquires the Supernatural Gift of Wealth.
Through his offering of surrender, the Son gets rid from any concern about his future and by this pure act he transfers all his burdens to Cafh. He has given all for the Divine Mother, and She takes upon Herself the weight of Her Son and takes charge of his needs.
By this good the Sons receive at any moment a supernatural help to develop in life; a true Gift of Wealth.
As the Sons inadvertently surrender, they put a treasure in a bank that never goes bankrupt.
This is something unknown to aspirants and even to Sons who recently have contacted the Great Current because they could run the risk of stimulating selfishness with disastrous results for them. Poor the Son that expects material rewards on the path! He already has received his payment at the first hour.
This Supernatural Gift is daily updated through blessings given by the Knight Great Master to the Tables and by Superiors to the Sons; the latter can make effective his blessings only by participating in the Integral Power of the Great Current. Through these blessings, the Sons receive both spiritual and material bread, and even can ask more protection and help in case of need, for all of them have free access to the treasure of communication between Cafh and the Substantial union with the Divine Mother by direct contact with the K. G. M. As the Son has the faculty of being helped in case of serious need, he acquires the Supernatural Gift of Assistance.
The Sons receive constant help, day and night, from Masters and protectors of Cafh whose especial charge is to accompany them; through them, the Sons can travel through the spiritual path and have supernatural assistance to attain the summit.
While sleeping, this divine help becomes even more effective for the Son is instructed and guided across the astral world and takes part in the work made by Cafh for the sake of mankind.
On day time, the assistance becomes more visible and tangible, particularly in times of trouble. Help comes to the Son in an entirely unexpected and providential way. This gift is even more direct and effective at moments of serious need, for seemingly the Sons, at the opportune moment, receive a superior injunction to rapidly help the neediest person.
As the Son has the faculty of being assisted when is ill, he acquires the Supernatural Gift of Health.
Diseases are punishment and blot of mankind, which undermine and destroy before time the psyche and body of man.
But disease transformed into expiatory, purifying actions becomes an incalculable benefit.
The Son has no diseases; his ailments are acts of bloody sacrifice strengthening his soul, deleting his karma and healing Mankind.
Although the Sons are not exempt of diseases, by this gift they have a higher stimulus to undergo and transform diseases into an effective value.
Also the Son drives away extreme diseases that are more easily healed, for years keeps his vigor and vitality and does not collapse prematurely.
Also the Son is attended during his diseases not only with remedies and attention but also with magnetism and power of other Sons that attend him.
As the Son has the faculty to be attended at the death hour, he acquires the Supernatural Gift of Life.
Thanks to this gift, the Son can live longer, beyond his time karmically granted to him if he has to fulfill certain particular mission. This is by Divine assistance of the Masters and by spontaneous offering of a time in his life on the part of some other Son.
This gift does not permit the Son to die of natural death, but in ecstatic form; which is not death, but life.
Also, by their presence alone, the Sons that attend the dying person do not permit that the astral body goes out through the splenic center but they get his liberation by breaking the cerebral walls.
As the Son has the faculty of being accompanied by the Knights Protectors of Cafh after death, he acquires the Supernatural Gift of Eternity.
As the souls leave the physical body, they have to go across the Vale of Death, that is, have to undergo all objective experiences by which have enriched their memory in their lifetime. These experiences appear like frightening or seducing images.
Thanks to this Gift of Eternity, the Sons of Cafh are divinely accompanied on this journey, and shall have beside them those who drive away shadows and figures projected by the illusion of the mind.
The Holy Company is safe token that the Son shall not undergo deviations across the lower world but shall quickly arrive at his divine recognition.
This gift has been already granted to the Son during his life because he understood the void of all human appearances by means of renunciation and of the concept of being predestined and chosen for the high destinies of Cafh.
This gift grants peace at the time of death. Also it enables the Son to experience the intimate sense of Inner Liberation before leaving the physical body.

Cafh Founder

Disciple, the Teachings –free, generous and magisterial– are at your disposal. It is up to you. Master Santiago came back!
