Course IV - Teaching 4: Radius of Stability

Cafh is a work destined to form a Reunion of souls upon earth. As such it needs an earthly magnetic point whose support is not a sense of possession, but a sense of rooting.
When the Masters of Cafh form in the astral world the spiritual circle from which the Great Work upon earth becomes, consequently they are reflected on the magnetic irradiation point. This point is Om Hes.
As the energetic power of the Great Work becomes larger, also those magnetic points that shall act as support multiply.
Any potential spiritual pole needs an active material pole for its materialization.
As soon as two or three souls are reunited at certain place, there a magnetic point of Cafh’s Great Work is established, and this point starts its own expansion through souls contacting it.
This vibration creates around this place certain magnetic field called Radius of Stability.
Here when we speak of certain place where the Work establishes, one may ask, if Cafh’s goods are totally intrinsic, how can Cafh be established on a material point?
Cafh’s stability on certain place is nor really material but ideally material.
The place is a fulcrum of discharge; a flint by which you produce the spark.
It is established there to escape from there and takes terrestrial elements as models to create the ethereal city of the future.
Om Hes is non-existent; it is a symbol.
Om Hes, seat of Cafh upon earth, shall be nothing else than an ideal point.
As the Masters discharge the power of the Great Current find support on earth for its participation with its own magnetism in the Great Work.
The Sons are practically rooted on earth by remaining in its Radius of Stability not by desire of territorial possession but by adherence to its spirit.
The Masters materialize their divine forces for realization, but not totally.
The mythological god does not surrender his daughter to the dream of earthly life but after surrounding her with an inaccessible fire, that is, with a higher ethereal force than material force.
Also the expansion and multiplication of earthly magnetic centers of Cafh do not indicate certain places but places destined to Cafh.
The magnetic centre is achieved by the Sons reunited and its discovery is a reflection of their inner discovery.
The Radius of Stability strictly participates in the spiritual life of the Sons and reflects their mystique of egocentric mission, that is totally internal, a total reflection on themselves.
Other groups of spiritual beings have mobility for mission. Continuously they move from one place to another, and come into contact with main magnetic centers of earth.
But not so with Cafh’s Sons whose mission –we repeat– is to stay, to fix, “egobeing” and to become potential.
The Radius of Stability created by the Son on the place where he lives is true as a result, but of ethereal substance as possession, and therefore, more consistent and durable than if it were material; a true circle of fire. As soon as the Son treads the path, takes his corresponding place, self-restricted to certain current of ideas and mystically tracing around the inner cloister of his soul, self-restricted, self-contracted and self-synthesized to become fit to his own liberation.
The Son of Cafh is circumscribed to his Radius of Stability.
Stability roots him to his place to fulfill his providential mission and achieve his perfection.
As man detaches himself more and more from the magnetic tie that unites him with earth, is worn out by excessive mobility and misses the possibility of an integral survival. It is not material possession of earth that gives man what he needs to live or economic security for the future, but rooting, love of earth and knowledge of earth what yields him fruits in abundance.
As the Son is voluntarily rooted in a place, again he puts magnetic centers of his body into contact with magnetic centers of earth, which were broken by mobility. Again he establishes channels of magnetic-earthly force between him and his soil, like a well-provided irrigation ditch that provides him and those around him what he needs to live in abundance.
The magnetic-earthly force of the Son expands around him propagated to men surrounding him and to those who come near him by bringing them wellbeing.
Rooting grants to man true love for his birthplace or for the place where he is bound to stay; and grants him the easy solution of his economic troubles by the productive capacity of the habit, and invigorates his physical body by a continuous contact with the soul of the soil.
Rooting fosters and consolidates industry and gradually transforms it into specialty, art and unimpeachable capacity.
Rooting selects and presents physical types to serve like model and image of other peoples and future races.
The Son of Cafh is also circumscribed to Cafh’s Mother Idea and to the power of the Great Current. As soon as the Son takes part in the Power of the Great Current, he remains limited in it. Every science, art and philosophy, as generalities, is prohibited, and he must apply only to one effort, one aim and one idea.
Cafh’s Mother Idea has been entrusted to him and this Mother Idea is his only end.
Cafh’s Mother Idea, in the Divine Plan, to the achieve perfection through Ascetic Renunciation and Mystique of the Heart, which is equivalent to strict inner life; everything outside this end must be excluded.
The Son is a good student, good employee, good professional and good citizen, but not as an end but as a mean. Even he does not want something seemingly better because even the other thing would be only exactly an equal mean to that that he already has in order to achieve his end.
The Son applies to sciences, arts and philosophies not because he desires their end but because they can be means to enlighten further and increase the brilliance of his own purpose.
For the Son nothing is higher and nothing is worth outside his end.
Although all his mental knowledge is deleted, this would be unimportant because the fruit of its end would remain intact, and this fruit is the Eternal Wisdom.
As soon as the Sons enter the Great Current they cannot desire this or that. They do not feel called to study this or that, but only attempt that that can be useful to fulfill their end.
This circumscribed energetic-mental currents increase in such a way the thinking and feeling of the Son that grant him the achievement of his thoughts and desires.
By this force concentrated in the Son, he gives a beneficial bath to all his Radius of Stability. He gives health to the sick, providence to the needy and direction to the souls.
Cafh’s Son is also circumscribed to the mystical inner cloister of the soul. In the Son, his mission of inner life is not only a symbol but also an effective reality.
Future man has to achieve his aims of perfection and happiness not by external efforts but by internal efforts.
So the human heart must get higher capacity to potentially retain necessary forces to this purpose.
Measures of the Divine Mother’s heart have to be measures of the heart of man.
So the Son is really contracted in himself by the internal life, by establishing his dwelling place, his thought and his feeling in his own heart.
He makes there his potential abode, inaccessible citadel and observatory of unlimited horizons.
From there the Son spiritually and physically is again reconstructed through new experiences and habit, testing his courage and ductility and becoming fit to higher resistance: an atomic resistance.
Men say excessive pain or excessive love make heart burst; but the Son says to the heart, “little by little I shall give you so much feeling until you are able to contain the power of feeling that the Universe possesses”.
The Son reviews every fiber of his heart, analyzes and invigorates it, and shall not go out of there, out of the mystical internal cell, out of the inner recess of his soul, until being able to know himself by knowing his own heart.
To re-adjust the keys of his Radius of Stability, periodically the Son it is even further detached from the world and external things in a house of Retreat and in proper places. Continuously the Son enters the depths of the heart and soul, systematically admits a Unique Idea and only establishes his own end.
By continuous, constant and inalterable contraction, the Son will achieve the unique measure, his own expansion by contact with the Universe and Eternity.

Cafh Founder

Disciple, the Teachings –free, generous and magisterial– are at your disposal. It is up to you. Master Santiago came back!
