Course IV - Teaching 5: The Teaching

Cafh’s Teaching is Divine, Eternal.
It reveals means to crystallize the Divine Plan on earth, defines inherent verities to the Mother Idea of the present and coming race, of fundamental and contingent verities, and keep direct, continuous communication between Masters and Sons.
They transmit it in time and space, without interruptions, by shaping it to the need of the Work to achieve and to the spiritual capacity of the souls that must receive it at certain proper moment.
The Teaching may be fundamental or contingent.
The Teaching is fundamental when essentially and categorically reveals Eternal Verities.
These verities are obscure and in a veiled way contained in Holy Texts of Great Religions, in a supernatural form, and constitute the ontological and specific idiosyncrasy of the Aryan man, in a natural form.
But the Masters periodically reveal it to Cafh to keep the Eternal Verities by the pristine purity of the Word.
The Teaching is contingent when reveals Eternal Verities with their consequences and derivations, and explains it with clarity and detail.
The Masters uninterruptedly transmit the Teaching as an inexhaustible spring, manifested to the Son for his own knowledge of supernatural and natural truths that are inherent to him and to his Race.
The Masters transmit the Teaching in Stages, according to grade and progress of the Sons.
These stages can be theoretically divided into eight parts.
The Teaching of the first Stage is Natural Common.
The Masters infuse in the Sons a spontaneous love of study, and increase it in those who already love it.
Natural and human sciences are studied with very much concern, and even more the specialization that every one has chosen.
The Masters lead these studies under their protection and guide, and Superiors of Cafh assist them, by stimulating in the Son perseverance on their duties as students, and by watching over their normal course and over a good performance of the students on their examinations and conquest of knowledge.
Cafh’s Sons are good students. At schools and Universities they call the attention by their application, concentration and performance.
The Teaching in the second Stage is of Supernatural Initiation.
This Teaching is indirect because its communication to the Sons is through written notes. These notes are valuable because facilitate the repetition and memorization of the Teaching. Their study prepares mind and heart, forming in the soul the habit of receiving and assimilating the Teachings by that mean.
The Teaching in the third Stage is of Supernatural Influence.
Knowledge and feeling of Cafh is transmitted to the Son through reunions in the Radius of Stability, and he takes part in the power of the Great Current and personally and magnetically contributes to the integrity of the Great Work.
This vibration-knowledge quickly transforms the Soul into an entirely new man.
The supernatural influence visibly manifests in him by inner spontaneity revealing the secrets of spiritual life and by making live the bliss of participating in this knowledge of life.
The Teaching in the fourth Stage is of Oral Transmission.
The Orator transmits and comments the Teaching and makes it fit to be received by the Sons entrusted to him.
The Orator is the faithful expression of Cafh’s Teaching; therefore he increases it with supernatural force.
The Orator is a direct channel between Masters and Sons and transforms those supernatural truths, which he transmits, into Divine Verities.
The Teaching in the fifth Stage is Supernatural Speculative.
Mind can reflect quite easily, by habit, about Revealed Verities. So it vividly increases, by understanding, his love of spiritual life and desire of perfection.
The Son makes of transcendental understanding the end and centre of his efforts. He uses all his knowledge, art, science, philosophy and discrimination for speculating, clarifying and defining what is supernatural.
He does not dispose of reason, but makes use of it like a steady bridge to attain the eternal shore. His faith on the unknown increases through this spontaneous understanding: “fidens quarens intellectum”.
This Teaching, discriminated by the Son and stimulated by the Masters, provides means to get it, suitable Teachings, quick mind, oratory skillfulness to explain and ability to contradict.
The Teaching in the sixth Stage is Supernatural Contingent.
The Instructor transmits it by explaining courses and matters in an entirely new and original way.
The Teacher adapts and renews the Teaching according to need and time. He ever expounds unknown topics; but these courses are about contingent truths.
He explains fundamental truths only in an axiomatic way, by clarifying them, giving them a definite sense, deducing truths from truth, comparing them with other Teachings and solving possible and successive contradictions.
The Teacher is such because he receives directly from the Masters his Teaching and the direction of the Teaching to give.
The Teaching in the seventh Stage is Supernatural Revealed.
Cafh possesses the Eternal Verities and those truths concerning to the present and future Race, which were not written on texts but on the Temple of Hes.
These eternal and revealed verities are the same as those revealed obscurely and in a veiled way by Texts of Great Religions.
They expound the fundamental, basic principle of the cosmos and its laws, manifestations and changes.
They expound the Mother Idea of the Race and its crystallization throughout times and peoples.
They expound the way to get free of pain and evil by progressive spiritual ascent and Divine Union.
These fundamental Revealed Verities are explained by themselves but not in themselves.
Intuition and reason take them as a divine gift, do not reflect about them and only reflect about their results.
The Teachers continuously expound them to Cafh through the contingent Teaching.
The Teaching in the eight Stage is Supernatural Spiritual.
As the Son is trained and ready, the Masters directly instruct him. They instruct him during hours of dream and reverie.
Directly they instruct him by giving the intellect a quick and definitive ability to know about Eternal Verities.
Ecstatically they instruct him during hours of ecstasy, by raising him to the Temple of Hes and giving him there the Divine Teaching.
Although Cafh’s Teaching soars to the highest speculation, never tries to enter the Divine Secret or the Eternal Silence.
All theologians attaina point where they must stop and only worship. It is a sacrilege to try with the mind what is neither for the mind nor for the spirit of man.
The Revealed Eternal Cafh’s Teaching survives in itself by continuously flowing to the Masters, Teachers, Orators and Sons, but only in itself.
Once the Teaching crystallizes, is not the Teaching any more but only a human expression of it.
If the Son based his truths only on papers, notes and concepts of Teaching, he would be reduced to certain circle, and the Teaching would lose spontaneity and freshness.
The fire that annually consumes in Cafh the notes about the Teaching wants to remember the Sons that the Divine Teaching cannot be fixed or limited.
The main mission of Cafh is to keep this lofty and divine concept of the Teaching by impeding the latter to lose its spirituality descending from the summits to the valley.

Cafh Founder

Disciple, the Teachings –free, generous and magisterial– are at your disposal. It is up to you. Master Santiago came back!
