
Reflection N° 154 - The Elderly

We have a Mankind oversized, an anthill of more than six billion persons disintegrated at any moment and disappearing on low dimensions of the astral world with no names or differentiations, so as it has been offered by premonitory videos and films of the last times with expectation from old users, grown-ups and children, rich and poor persons, politicians and contributors, and crazy and normal people.

Reflection N° 159 - The Argentine Mission

When the Italian Fascism became dangerous for Esoteric Orders in the 20’s, the Superior of the Esoteric Order of Fire in Venice, Giovanni Venibiene, sent Santiago Bovisio, a young man of spiritual gifts mainly developed, to Buenos Aires to safeguard the ancient teachings of the Order, which are not be found anywhere and keep the history of Races, the creation of the Planetary System, and the destiny of Humanity until its last material stage.

Course I - Teaching 8: Renunciation

If a being renounced, not to eventual harmful things to his wellbeing, but for the sake of freedom, he would reach, while living, untold happiness, total serenity and a state of indescribable natural ecstasy.

Course III - Teaching 16: The Idea of Renunciation

The highest mission is to maintain the Idea of Renunciation intact and pure, and to live and achieve it in life by realizing it totally. All that Cafh has, makes or preaches has no other sense than that of confirming and achieving Renunciation in Mankind.

Course IV - Teaching 14: Integrity of the Great Work

The divine plan on earth develops through the works of men. Material, intellectual and spiritual works of men become the Mystical Body of the Great Work through which the Divine Plan is fulfilled on earth.

Course VI - Teaching 12: Spirit of Simplicity - 1958

Sons of Cafh, stand fast in spirit of simplicity! Leave on the way any burden of experience and just be saturated in depth by the essence of your doings. Leave teachings for the Teaching; leave works for the Work; feelings for the Feeling; and ideas for the Idea.

Course VII - Teaching 1: Renunciation and Renunciations

Renunciation is one; Renunciation is Substantial Union. The soul aspires to find this grand end as the goal of its efforts –it is a summit to climb just symbolically, since the Union begins to be obvious in the soul as soon as the desired perfection leads him to tread on the Path.

Course VII - Teaching 2: First Renunciation

The man lives unconsciously centered on his personal ego. The rational power that characterizes the Aryan man creates in him the illusion of his own mental world, which he deems different from that of others.

Course VII - Teaching 3: Presence

The Stability Radius is determined by the vibratory field emanated from the place where the souls are centered in order to achieve the Whole Great Work. The Stability Radius is image and material figure of OM HES.

Course VII - Teaching 4: Expansion

Inner values of the Son acquire sublimation and force when he renounces to his physical, mental and emotional movements that lead him to seclude mystically the soul and offer his life.