Course IV - Teaching 14: Integrity of the Great Work

The divine plan on earth develops through the works of men.
Material, intellectual and spiritual works of men become the Mystical Body of the Great Work through which the Divine Plan is fulfilled on earth.
Both the Law of Consecutive Predestination and the Arbitral Law of Possibilities constantly collide one other and satanically fight, but when they start a harmonious plan of analogy, are converted into the becoming of realization.
These divine ideas, made humanly concrete in the world, give as a result the Integrity of the Great Work.
But the Great Work is made for numberless different pieces gradually shaped in time and space. Every group of men works on a certain piece that is an integral part of the Great Work.
Cafh takes part in the Integrity of the Great Work destined to the formation of the future Race on a spiritual labor.
Cafh’s Great Work is to reunite destined souls, in time and space, to prepare the Spiritual Mother Idea of the Future Race.
Not only Cafh prepares the spiritual movement of the future, for in the world there are non-numerous groups that work and are destined to this special purpose.
The Spiritual Mother Idea of the future is composed of Organization, Knowledge and Mystique.
Cafh’s Great Work is to prepare a part of the Mystique of the future by sublimating the Inner Life of the souls.
Cafh performs its Work reuniting souls destined to it so that they develop continuously in them the inner life, by practicing in three stages according to their categories ascetic Renunciation and Mystique of the Heart.
Not all souls forming the soul reunion of Cafh are men inhabiting earth but there are souls taking part in its work and inhabiting the astral world.
The soul reunion of Cafh forms the Mystique Body of it.
The Great Work of Cafh as such must manifest in the world but since it has no extrinsic goods it has no temples, cities or possessions. It manifests exclusively in the world as a magnetic work through its Mystical Body formed by the human and magnetic volume of its Sons.
So the Great Work manifests through its own Sons in their bodies, souls, possibilities, capacity, properties, blood and holiness.
The results of this inner power in motion are a magnetic radiation continuously materialized in living and lasting facts.
These facts are: providence for the needy, health for the sick and direction for the souls.
By the inner practice of Mystique of the Heart and by continuous exercise of Ascetic Renunciation, the Sons save infinite forces that they distribute in the world like immediate realization.
The practice of Providential Economy enables the Sons to help materially those needy persons destined to the Sons.
Material help forces the good will of men and, by removing their external concerns, drives them toward the spiritual life. Man needs two daily breads: material bread and spiritual bread.
The reserve of energies increases in the Sons the volume of magnetic forces that they transmit to the sick as health and wellbeing. A healthy and strong man is a promise for the future and a cornerstone for the great temple of the universal religion.
The close union practiced by the Sons with the Divinity grants to them the gift of advice and guide of the souls. To reveal to the chose the possibilities of the supernatural aspect is to open their eyes of the soul to see their inner heaven.
So the material external work, the Great Temple of Cafh is composed of this direct Work that the Sons fulfill with men.
Since Cafh has no possessions on earth, it refuses to stay hidden to the world and wishes to show to the world the spiritual truth about the consistence of human goods in se by disposing of material goods.
Inner life, divine search in the soul, is not only source of spiritual good, but also of intellectual and material good.
Everything is methodically within the reach of man that tries to solve by himself the problems of being and life.
The Great Work of Cafh’s Sons is to make this miracle for the world.
So the Sons along with the Divine Incarnation take part and come to save Mankind through Ascetic Renunciation and Mystique of the Heart.
They take part physically because give their bodies and blood to form the Great Work of Cafh on earth.
They take part intellectually because by totally striving to keep the Idea integral, do not permit its materialization through a material work or its volatilization through an ideal work, according to their motto, “To make of matter mind, and of mind matter”.
They take part spiritually because without any speculation about the Essence or non-Essence of God, unconditionally offer Him all their love.
He who is against these fundamental principles does not take part in the spiritual life of Cafh, tarnishes and delays its realization, and finally discards it.

Cafh Founder

Disciple, the Teachings –free, generous and magisterial– are at your disposal. It is up to you. Master Santiago came back!
