
Reflection N° 111 - To Live in Peace

Master Santiago’s Teachings are of high rank and few persons are able to assume them. Their Canon is a coherent system of traditional wisdom, classified into six parts: Doctrinal Courses, Ascetic Mystic Courses, Courses on History, Philosophical Courses, Esoteric Courses and Courses on Communities.

Reflection N° 119 - Lonely

A man will be universal when and if he develops his potential powers that lie in him since the beginning. He has access to material dimensions and, in some few especial cases, to plural worlds.

Reflection N° 123 - Living without a Religion

It is natural to live without a religion. Religions are institutions created by Great Initiates for the organization of social life in those times when nobody knew how to read or write, customs were primitive, nothing was known about powers of Nature and, somehow, raised Nature over tribal fetishism and instinctive impulses.

Reflection N° 124 - Working for the Sake of Working

One of the secrets of happiness is to work for the sake of working, and not for the sake of a reward but for the pleasure of giving. Every thing in Nature, except men, are fulfilling this law spontaneously: rosebushes offer the beauty of their flowers to anyone passing by the road; if one is making a stroll by a stream, we find freshness, crystal water, rest, and points to reflect; trees are deliver living or dead wood for a fire that gives light, heat and will to live; birds make us happy by their flights and trills; by night, in the field, not in the city, we have stars making us think of the greatness of God.

Reflection N° 125 - The Future Is Present

For years, we have read novels and essays, and watched movie pictures and TV series about the world destruction at a near future. Prophecies and interpretations are coming from the days of Nostradamus.

Reflection N° 126 - Ash

Master Santiago gives a beautiful Teaching in “The Way of Renunciation”, a Course where he explains with clarity what Mystique of Holocaust is: “Mystique of Ash in Saint Paul of the Cross”.

Reflection N° 133 - I Reflect

1930 – World capitalism collapses by finance depression. 1930 – The Soviet Union starts quinquennial plans. 1933 – Roosevelt assumes as President of the United States. 1933 – Hitler is Chancellor of Germany.

Reflection N° 146 - A Way of Living

Renunciation is a way of living. It has doctrine, ideas, working programs, meditation exercises, prayers and hymns, ceremonial, tradition coming from quite remote antiquity, Astral Protectors, courses and teachings, study groups and other little-known things, but basically Renunciation is a specific way of living naturally revealing the essence of those who are living it.

Reflection N° 147 - Circular Ruins

To Héctor V. Morel The World revolves along with its own content: Paris, oceans, Afghanistan war, forests, snowfalls in Boston, men and animals, the Children’s Village, splendors in China, et cetera, from right to left or from left to right, I do not know well, perhaps in both directions at the same time, on different fields.

Reflection N° 148 - Renunciation of Every Day

The Universe of the Human Civilization is full of possessions giving benefits. Even the remotest rock in the Ocean has an owner –a country, an international consortium, a virtual owner registering it.