Course III - Teaching 16: The Idea of Renunciation

The highest mission is to maintain the Idea of Renunciation intact and pure, and to live and achieve it in life by realizing it totally.
All that Cafh has, makes or preaches has no other sense than that of confirming and achieving Renunciation in Mankind.
All movements, even the most spiritual, have their existence fixed in time; they are born and must die. Only one thing is not born, the only eternal thing is the Idea transmitted through contingent movements.
So one must be the Idea, not the contingent movement. One never must think about Cafh in terms of duality, but in terms of life.
This is as if you were seeing how souls that are only ready to certain renunciations resist the Idea of Renunciation, not because they are able to intuit it, but because its acceptance would entail its need.
Lack of comprehension of Renunciation never is lack of understanding, but lack of Renunciation.
Only you can be the Idea of Renunciation when Renunciation is total in the Work. When what you do, say and think in the Work does not mean other thing than that which means to be. When what you do as Work is as spontaneous as being, only then there is detachment from the Work.
When nothing constitutes a specific activity, when all flows as life does, when all is simple, when there are not two any more and when one does not think about what you do but about what you act, then you are the Idea of Renunciation.
When one does not stop Being what you Are, although one continues to be and act personally; when objectives are not such but natural states of life like childhood, growth and death, then one is the Idea of Renunciation.
When in the knowledge of things and life does not intervene other thing than the capacity of objective contemplation, and when Spiritual Life of Cafh, its external works, the present and future state of mankind and the individual mission inside it exist the same way that one exists, then one is the Idea of Renunciation.
When even so one considers the contingent, knows how to use it and is aware of its laws, then the Idea of Renunciation is achieved on a living reality of Renunciation, love and surrender of the soul to the Idea of Renunciation.
As the potential experience always forges future happiness, so the practical experience becomes a stumbling block on the road of progress.
There are souls who practiced every rule of Meditation, Concentration and Contemplation, received immense benefits and drank in abundance the Ecstasy of Divine Love. But the regulated predisposition that led them to the Union became a habit that sometimes is cause of delay and of an impenetrable rampart that impedes them to accede to a total knowledge of mystique and to be established on a definitive point of permanent Union.
A truly wise soul is ever free; it gives and takes, and uses and throws away, and does this even with the greatest rules of inner life.
That which is difficult to determine is the proper moment when the means used can be replaced for one’s effort of will-consciousness.
Naked you should enter the ocean of life; none shall be able to penetrate in the Sancta Sanctorum not disposing previously of that which one used for the experience, even the holiest and solemnest experiences.
All, positively all, even the most perfect Master is only a companion of journey on the Mystical path, and he must be abandoned when the illuminating light becomes an impediment that hinders the other Light that emerged behind Him: The Eternal Light.

Cafh Founder

Disciple, the Teachings –free, generous and magisterial– are at your disposal. It is up to you. Master Santiago came back!
