Course VI - Teaching 12: Spirit of Simplicity - 1958

Sons of Cafh, stand fast in spirit of simplicity!
Leave on the way any burden of experience and just be saturated in depth by the essence of your doings.
Leave teachings for the Teaching; leave works for the Work; feelings for the Feeling; and ideas for the Idea.
The Unique Idea is in simplicity! Renunciations and conquer of the Kingdom of Blessedness are in simplicity.
Sons of Cafh, stand fast in spirit of simplicity!
Son, mind is not your liberation but instrument of your liberation. Mind is at your disposal and fulfils its task in an admirable way, but to make good your of your being and to subdue it later: more ideas and thought forms you create, more factors you create, which will want to control you, and your fight to overcome them will be tougher.
Cultivate just one idea, a Unique Idea; may all your thoughts be oriented to this Idea and by this Idea.
Possess only one force to achieve your destiny, and only one force to return it to the ocean of creational aspects.
Renounce to mind; make use of it and leave it later to enter the Kingdom of Blessedness.
Sons, stand fast in spirit of simplicity!
Just through Renunciation to all those things that he deems real but that are impermanent, the Son will become an instrument that, by participation, will work in the next arrangement of mankind.
But this Renunciation must be to any eventual vital action, in order to start the unique action supported by any necessary activity to fulfil this unique task.
Just one act, just one continuous effort is enough to possess the creational power in all, and just whoever possesses it can renounce to it and enter the Kingdom of Blessedness.
Sons, stand fast in spirit of simplicity!
The Son has to renounce to teachings for the Teaching.
Much reading, study and reasoning lead to researches, structural results and surprising discoveries about compounds of things, but you run the risk of dehumanisation.
Renunciation to knowledge for the sake of knowledge, and renunciation to teachings for the Teaching, does not lead to any conquest or discovery, but to identify being with the very Teaching.
The end of the Son is permanence in Renunciation, supported by the Unique Idea, by action as pure act, by the Message of Renunciation that he must transmit to mankind; Message of Renunciation, as Ired, as Being and non-Being, as permanence in the Eternity, in the Kingdom of Blessedness.
Sons of Cafh, over all, stand fast in spirit of simplicity!

Cafh Founder

Disciple, the Teachings –free, generous and magisterial– are at your disposal. It is up to you. Master Santiago came back!
