Course XXIX - Teaching 13: Fourth and Fifth Atlantean Sub-races

850,000 years ago, an icy belt surrounded the Earth as a deadly enemy and destroyed any sign of life. Those great Toltecas, their City of the Golden Gates and their memory of a splendid civilization had been swept by the waters to the depths of the oceans, or had been buried under layers of snow. Few human groups migrated, –those who could survive after such a frightful cataclysm.
In the area extended at present from Peru to Mexico, quite high mountains had formed a sort of oasis, where certain small human groups could survive –they were the ancestors of the Turanian sub-race. Other groups had migrated to the north-east.
While terrestrial heat was coming back from the centre to the surface and becoming half-normal, in those enormous mountains, on those grand snowy steppes, a strong and fierce people was taking form –they had to strive to survive and their instincts were ferocious; they were the fourth Atlantean sub-race of the Turanians.
This was the people that imposed the very war.
They waged war against small groups of surviving Toltecas, who had sought refuge on this oasis; and they fought against themselves, harassing one another continuously.
They were millions and millions, gradually expanded throughout the Continent; finally, they grew greater and prevailed by sheer strength.
Vanity and thirst of conquest darkened their clear astral vision, which they had inherited from the Toltecas, and just desired the dream vision in order to glimpse the place where their enemies waited; so, they destroyed them.
They created the black magic and strengthened their evil nature in such a way that had long-distance devices, quite powerful and destructive.
Dark-skinned, very tall and quite fierce, they walked slowly, by jumping, by virtue of their habit of climbing mountains. They used their disproportionate arms –which sometimes reached below their knees– as weapons when they were in need of them.
They fought against the new Semites and, even though were defeated by the latter, never were destroyed but remained as their conquerors as a detached race, called Black Race.
The Toltecas, who during the Flood has migrated toward a temperate area, to 50-60 grades latitude north, gave rise to the Semites by the end of the Miocene period. On the Atlantean land –Kalpashal, present Ireland, Scotland, England and English Channel– was being born different race from the Mother Race as to is main features. The race of the Atlantean Semites, even though very tall, was smaller compared with other races.
For quite many centuries, this race remained half-savage and waging war among them.
As future Aryans had to descend from this type of Atlanteans, with pale skin and different gait, this sub-race remained longer on the Continent because finally they were defeated by the Akkadians just 150,000 years ago.
While the Atlantean Semite civilization had a long infancy, the Turanians reached the summit of their warlike civilization. The Turanians defeated the Semites while the latter did not learn to fight, but later they learnt so well that overcame the Turanians.
The Turanians were not confederated as the Toltecas, but had territorial divisions by constantly fighting.
It is in those times that the two types of the Atlantean man are defined: those emerged from the first four sub-races, with black skin, and those who emerge from the fifth sub-race, the Semite, with white skin.
220,000 years ago the third Atlantean destruction ensued, which divided the Continent into two great islands: Ruta and Daitya.
Then the Semites started declining.

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Disciple, the Teachings –free, generous and magisterial– are at your disposal. It is up to you. Master Santiago came back!
