Course XXIX - Teaching 1: First Four Root Races Synthesized

There are seven Root Races in the Terrestrial Round.
Beings had perfected their astral body in the Lunar Round, but were in need of a physical body to achieve a perfect material experience.
They tried continuously to mould and occupy a body, but failed time and again during the first two Root-Races.
They were able to form a real human body in the second half of the Third Root-Race, and the souls of those beings that experienced it entered their real human bodies in the Fourth Root-Race.
The First Root-Race is Uranian.
The astral body of beings, covered with a tenuous physic-ethereal emanation, intended to animate gelatinous monsters (i.e., first human attempts); but these monsters perished and could not come into true contact with the souls.
Sub-races of this Root-Race are not enumerated because they are unknown.
Present Antarctic was the continent of the Uranian Race. It flourished 18,000,000 years ago.
The second Root-Race was Hyperborean.
This Race molded human forms, but their astral bodies were immense monsters that could not be standing and looked like wheels.
This Root-Race had seven stages.
First stage: the human form looks like a serpent-fish.
Second stage: brain starts taking form.
Third stage: tentative formation of the spine.
Fourth stage: formation of the man-monster.
Fifth stage: perfect hermaphrodite achieved.
Sixth stage: monsters try to stand up, but fail.
Seventh stage: monsters are able to stand up.
The Continent of this Root-Race flourished in present Greenland, 11,000,000 years ago.
The Third Root-Race is called Lemurian.
The first sub-race is called Za; they were very much alike Hyperboreans.
Second sub-race, called Za-Ha: quite closely guided by leading entities, man forms his spinal-brain system.
Third sub-race, called Za-Mi: this sub-race marked the real transition from animal kingdom to human kingdom.
Fourth sub-race, called Za-Mo: man starts walking.
Fifth sub-race, called Za-Moo: one can speak of a race of men with mind.
Sixth sub-race, called Moo-Za-Moo: this sub-race comes into closer contact with the astral body and the physical body, and excludes any retarded and degenerated type.
Seventh sub-race, called Moo-Za-Moo: this sub-race possesses its own mind, developed a nervous system and perfect their blood circulation.
The Lemurian Continent was on present Pacific Ocean. This Root-Race lived 5,000,000 years ago.
Fourth Root-Race, called Atlantean; this Race flourished 2,500,000 years ago.
First sub-race, called Rmoahall: this sub-race developed instinctive mind, bladder and genital organs. Second sub-race, called Tlavatli: this sub-race developed memory.
Third sub-race, called Tolteca: this sub-race developed rational mind.
Fourth sub-race, called Turanian: this sub-race perfected physical body through exercise and war. Fifth sub-race, called Semite: physically, this sub-race was the most perfect of the Atlantean sub-races. The fifth Root-Race derives from this sub-race.
Sixth sub-race, called Akkadian: their astral body was perfectly one with their physical body. Seventh sub-race, called Mongolian: this sub-race marked the degeneration of the Atlanteans. Gradually they lost there their great psychic and astral forces, for an eventual transformation of man into a purely human being.

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Disciple, the Teachings –free, generous and magisterial– are at your disposal. It is up to you. Master Santiago came back!
