Course XXIX - Teaching 12: Tlavatlis and Toltecas

A powerful race was emerging among rough and uninhabited Atlantean ranges.
The Tlavatlis grew stronger and more tenacious, agile and resistant under the rigorous Saturn winter, in need of everything and bound to fight against elementals and antediluvian monsters.
As an unachievable dream, they saw plains filled with woods, rivers, swamps and men to be subdued; and this desire, conveyed from generation to generation, became ancestral, and developed the incipient memory of the Atlanteans.
After a rigorous winter, when heat filled again the atmosphere with terrestrial smoke, vapor and mists, those strong Tlavatlis time and again descended to the plain, exterminated entirely the Rmoahalls after fighting during three hundred years, and were owners of lands and abodes of the Rmoahalls.
But memory of the Tlavatlis was not perfect, and they mixed and mistook their memory of present life for that of past lives in such a way that were unable to determine exactly their present real life and their real past lives.
The Aryans were destined to the divine and sacred gift of forgetting the past and of being able to deal with the day of one life alone.
But this vague memory preserved in certain way a memory of courageous and heroic events, and this brought into being a sort of worship of the ancestors.
Also, men became conscious of their worth and of differing from others by virtue of this memory, which filled them with ambition and frenetically strove to conquer. So, the Tlavatlis had warlike habits, chieftains to fight and guides to family life.
Unlike the first Atlantean sub-race, which disappeared rapidly, that of the Tlavatlis preserved its descendants until the end of the Root-Race; and while the new Atlanteans defeated successively them, and their reddish skin grew blacker, they prevailed for numberless centuries on the mountains to the north-west of Atlantis.
Gradually, a new Atlantean sub-race flourished in the centre of Atlantis: the Tolteca.
They were men quite tall, harmonious and handsome; their skin grew lighter, with a pretty golden-tanned color.
Now they had memory, and also remembered their past lives.
Intuitive knowledgeable about the powers of Nature and clairvoyant by heritage, the Toltecas founded the most powerful and lasting nations ever seen on the Earth.
They were the first to practice the adoration and Divine Worship in a regular and methodical way. They substituted caves and wooden fences of their ancestors for beautiful buildings crowned with numberless pillars. Their constructions were of orichalcum, a compound of gold, bronze and volcanic dust, totally unknown today, and they made large radiating blocks with this mixture.
Their Temple was built on the supreme city and was surprisingly high, crowned with a dome representing the Solar disc; because of all this, the Tolteca Capital was called “City of the Golden Gates”.
In the centre of the Temple there was a pillar where the laws of the Spiritual Guide were symbolically represented with images, figures and graphs.
Their king was not heir of certain blood line, but the spiritual heir of the former dead king.
Of all aspirants to the Initiatic Priesthood, the wisest one was selected to assist the king and to learn from him those teachings by which he would be fit to rule. If the aspirant was unfit, then he was sent back at once to the Priestly College, and was replaced by another man.
The Toltecas had just Divine Laws, because the society laws were given just on certain occasions by Initiated Kings. When these Kings sentenced, ordered or gave laws, they did after spending in ecstasy one night in the Temple.
Later, their clairvoyant power grew weaker and then they drunk certain potion to condition their nervous system for the ecstasy and clairvoyance.
There was no war among different Tolteca nations because their kings were confederated, but they continuously fought to protect themselves against savage hordes from the mountains. During their combats, they did not use men but explosives, which they launched quite far away by means of powerful machines.
Their most noticeable point was its way of watering. They built a reservoir in a mountain hollow by forming a vast lake that overlooked the city, and by an unexplained method, the water descended from the mountains through three channels, and as a result they never had floods; these channels were around the city, as ornament and defense. Following other course, those waters came back to the lake for their purification, absorbed by secret suction pipes.
The Toltecas were knowledgeable about mechanics: they have vessels and airships –immense ships crossing sea and air.
All this progress was slow, but later its fruits disappeared almost completely, not by wars or destruction, but by virtue of the glacial period that ensued.

Cafh Founder

Disciple, the Teachings –free, generous and magisterial– are at your disposal. It is up to you. Master Santiago came back!
