
Reflection N° 90 - PANORAMA

From this place amid mountains –high, solitary, silent– I am gazing at the world. I don’t belong to the world. I am a foreigner: I neither think like men do, nor feel like they do; I am not interested in their ideas, possessions, wars, hatreds, loves; all these belong to a balloon pricked the last century, and now, flat, wrinkled and ugly, wanders to and fro, with no steady destination, left to its own devices.

Reflection N° 122 - A Planet Renewed

The Earth is shaken at every side, and men are frightened. It is neither the first nor the second time. When Solon, one of the Seven Sages of Greece, visited Egypt for his studies, certain priests in the temple of Sais talked to him about the sinking of Atlantis and the Flood, and said it had not be the only Flood but many others had occurred throughout the times with Earth collapses and emergence of new lands.

Reflection N° 124 - Working for the Sake of Working

One of the secrets of happiness is to work for the sake of working, and not for the sake of a reward but for the pleasure of giving. Every thing in Nature, except men, are fulfilling this law spontaneously: rosebushes offer the beauty of their flowers to anyone passing by the road; if one is making a stroll by a stream, we find freshness, crystal water, rest, and points to reflect; trees are deliver living or dead wood for a fire that gives light, heat and will to live; birds make us happy by their flights and trills; by night, in the field, not in the city, we have stars making us think of the greatness of God.

Reflection N° 125 - The Future Is Present

For years, we have read novels and essays, and watched movie pictures and TV series about the world destruction at a near future. Prophecies and interpretations are coming from the days of Nostradamus.

Reflection N° 162 - Heaven and Earth

REFLECTIONS On August 5, Mr. José González Muñoz has left for planes of the spirit. In the file of his PC we have found his last Reflection, unfinished and uncorrected, which we have included in Master Santiago’s site as the final contribution of his writings.

Course XXVI - Teaching 1: Legends about the Esoteric Orders

Michael, Chief of the Host of Fire, had purified a Holy Mount amid thunders, lightnings and flames. For centuries, a volcanic and powerful fire shone on this Mountain and, vomiting burning lava and red-hot stones formed an impenetrable circle.

Course XXVII - Teaching 7: Chaldean Magicians

As two immense rivers meeting and coming together, the ancient Divine religion of Atlanteans and the new religion of Vedas came together and flourished in the emerging Aryan race. We have seen how Aryans abandoned plateaus and steppes of northern Asia, migrating in great caravans toward the south.

Course XXIX - Teaching 10: Atlantean Race

There were two great glacial periods during the Atlantean era, followed by other less intense periods, which lasted one Saturn year (30 years). This was a natural reaction against quite torrid periods on the Earth.

Course XXIX - Teaching 13: Fourth and Fifth Atlantean Sub-races

850,000 years ago, an icy belt surrounded the Earth as a deadly enemy and destroyed any sign of life. Those great Toltecas, their City of the Golden Gates and their memory of a splendid civilization had been swept by the waters to the depths of the oceans, or had been buried under layers of snow.

Course XXIX - Teaching 14: Last Two Atlantean Sub-races

The new sub-race of the Akkadians has emerged throughout the eastern coast of the present Atlantic Ocean. They grew up slowly, while the Semites were fighting against their deadly enemies, the Turanians, called the Rakshasha in the Ramayana.