Course XXIX - Teaching 10: Atlantean Race

There were two great glacial periods during the Atlantean era, followed by other less intense periods, which lasted one Saturn year (30 years). This was a natural reaction against quite torrid periods on the Earth.
Tejas, the element fire, prevailed on the Earth with intense heat and cold, and after affecting the human body, caused the Kundalini flame to go from the fundamental or basic Chakra up to the brain. The Atlantean Continent extended from Iceland to Brazil and from Texas and Labrador to Africa. But continuous thaws, during periods of intense heat, produced deluge after deluge, and flood after flood. The influence of Tejas on the Earth brought that of Apas, the element water.
There were four great deluges during the Atlantean era:
The first deluge took place at an undetermined era.
The second deluge occurred 850,000 years ago; it caused Atlantis to sink, –all its northern area.
The third deluge took place 220,000 years ago and divided Atlantis into two Continents, called Ruta and Diatya.
The fourth and last deluge occurred 87,000 years ago, sunk entirely the Continent, and left as the last remainder a plateau on a mountain of Ruta, called Poseidonis Island, which Plato described on his Timaeus.
The Atlanteans were already perfect men.
They walked erected, but seemingly inclined forward; their skin was deep red.
These beings did not know any human or phallic religion, but worshiped God in Spirit and Truth; or they were knowledgeable chemists about terrestrial powers, called maggons, who would descend from black magicians.
They divided their daily living into two stages: during the day, material life, and during the night, spiritual life; while they slept, rapidly left their physical bodies, entered the astral world, and listened to Great Masters’ voices and teachings.
But gradually they lost this gift, for their mission was to know the matter.
The first three sub-races –Rmoahalls, Tlavatli and Tolteca– were of this type.
The fourth sub-race, the Turanian, was yellow-colored and even more human.
After the latter, Semite and Akkadian races came; their skin was white, and the fifth Root-Race, the Aryan, would emerge from them.
The seventh sub-race, Mongolian, was yellow-colored and origin of degeneration and decay.
While in the beginning the Atlanteans were able to see God face to face by means of their third eye or developed pineal gland, gradually they were losing these spiritual gifts.
These Sons of God were precipitated in the depths of matter, becoming sons of Satan.
The element Apas, which prevailed during the development of this Race, granted the gift of a perfect porosity to Humanity and made their bodies fit to stand and fight against elements and temperatures, and able to the conquest of the Earth and life by their own means during the fifth Race, and also to the conquest of the beautiful goddess Prithivi, who was asleep and expected her redeeming God.

Cafh Founder

Disciple, the Teachings –free, generous and magisterial– are at your disposal. It is up to you. Master Santiago came back!
