Course XVII - Teaching 12: Simple Witness

A prayer cannot be complete and total if our whole being is not devoted to it. When we say “whole being”, this does not mean an intense sensible flight, but a being as a whole.
Since souls are not a unity, there are opposite desires in them. These opposite desires make these souls not sustain totally certain idea, and they are opposite and scattered powers.
Our whole purpose devoted to prayer is not enough; this purpose must be incited to act permanently in order to guide all powers toward the unique Idea.
After a while in the spiritual path, the Son must be an exponent of the Doctrine. Otherwise, he is an obstacle.
The Son must be a living testimony of Renunciation, and he would not achieve it without his testimony of faith.
To believe is not enough; you have “to be” what you believe.
Besides a supernatural mystical action of consecrated souls, the world needs a living example of men and women practically devoted to their Doctrine.
You cannot shape the fundamental idea of Renunciation in the world if this idea is not previously incarnate in those who must preach it.
A Son must be living a testimony of his idea, a simple example that should be present in the world as a constant and permanent image of perfection.
Sons must see Renunciation made flesh, made blood and made life. This time is demanding, they are very few, and the work is colossal.
They have the work in their hands; their objectives are universal and extraordinary. They cannot waste a drop of energy, or an instant or thought, whatever.
All must be centered on the Unique idea of Renunciation.
Sons are few. Those who are not ready to a total and absolute surrender cannot last. The Divine Mother wants all or nothing. Who cares if they are quite kind; She does not wish them. Then they must be quite steadily united and become a powerful and invincible force through their offering. And they must be total in order to achieve this.
You should burn on this absolute faith, which is Renunciation and death, in order to give evidence of your faith. You are a simple witness of the Divine Idea just through spiritual extinction.
To talk about such divine mystery is useless if you are not ready to surrender your life through a death that is continuous and inalterable Renunciation. To be Simple Witness is extinction through Substantial Union with the Divine Mother.
The Son is motionless in his divine center, and remains therein as a testimony of Presence. Simply, “He is”.
You do not need to listen to the Buddha’s sermon –to look at him is enough.
So, the Son, as a motionless presence in the divine centre, in his Unique Idea, in his Renunciation, becomes preaching and action, union and redemption, act and power, love and sorrows, life and death –“He is”.
Prayer is “the” means to God-realization, but it must be full, total and whole.
Prayer cannot be whole prayer if it does not comprise our entire being. Even our mind and our heart, an also our body, our life and our chances; our past and our future –our whole existence must be present there in order to be burnt totally by the divine fire of Renunciation.
This is Substantial Union: when our whole being, body, mind and spirit, is permanently established on the simple and eternal point, which is the Divine Mother.

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Disciple, the Teachings –free, generous and magisterial– are at your disposal. It is up to you. Master Santiago came back!
