Divine Mother

Reflection N° 84 - Learning-Teaching-Living

The Master Jesus would teach the people in Palestine, particularly his disciples, always, from the age of thirty, and although his educational activities lasted a short time, his visible work –the Gospel– has transformed the world until today, twenty centuries of unceasing progress.

Reflection N° 117 - La Realidad

According to many persons, reality is the only truth, but that which is unknown gets another word and then these two words keep their lack of meaning and in this way they increase the confusion.

Reflection N° 118 - Change of Race

The Canon of Santiago Bovisio’s Teachings begins with Hidrochosa, another name for Aquarius, and announces the change of Race, from the Race of the sign of Pisces to the new American Race or Age of Sakib, saying: “New ideas and works are prepared for the world”.

Reflection N° 119 - Lonely

A man will be universal when and if he develops his potential powers that lie in him since the beginning. He has access to material dimensions and, in some few especial cases, to plural worlds.

Reflection N° 126 - Ash

Master Santiago gives a beautiful Teaching in “The Way of Renunciation”, a Course where he explains with clarity what Mystique of Holocaust is: “Mystique of Ash in Saint Paul of the Cross”.

Reflection N° 141 - The Lonely Road

Religions are collective, leading millions people of all categories and capacities. Saint Peter’s Square is filled with tourists and Roman visitors, and the Pope, through a sense of mass spectacle that is coldly calculated, addresses to them in diverse languages, and blesses them.

Reflection N° 155 - Spiritual Triumph

At the end of his life, Kurosawa made a beautiful film of simple and easily understandable sequences, “Dreams”, which through five or six chapters, relates some of the traditions of the Japanese people, which have survived throughout centuries.

Reflection N° 162 - Heaven and Earth

REFLECTIONS On August 5, Mr. José González Muñoz has left for planes of the spirit. In the file of his PC we have found his last Reflection, unfinished and uncorrected, which we have included in Master Santiago’s site as the final contribution of his writings.

Course II - Teaching 1: Mysteries of the Sacrifice

Even if we wished to flee from sorrow, sorrow is ever present in human life despite every effort of the civilization and despite modern breakthroughs for a more bearable living.

Course IV - Teaching 11: The Body of Fire

The Message of the Divine Mother, transmitted by Cafh, has no material body on earth but only two points of discharge to earth. Ired is the idea, opposite and equal in value, and the Divine Voice that transmits it is purely spiritual.