Ascetic Mystic Courses

Course XIII - Teaching 1: Ascetic Prayer

Inner life must be centered on God, not on attributes of God, which move away from the primordial end. A specialized progress of rational faculties in certain way has moved man away from the fundamental Idea of God.

Course XIII - Teaching 2: Discriminative Asceticism

It is fundamental to know how to discern in order to guide souls through prayer asceticism. What kind of exercise is fit for inner characteristics of each beginner and what type of mystique is convenient for him should be known.

Course XIII - Teaching 3: The Divine Goal

Discipline, method of life and practice of prayer exercises are quite important to the Son. It is indispensable to count on elements defined and properly known, which may become efficient outer asceticism and inner asceticism.

Course XIII - Teaching 4: Continuous Asceticism

The Son that lives in the world needs great outer asceticism. He can reach a rich and full inner life by transforming his outer life into continuous asceticism. The Ascetic Prayer consists in transforming a sporadic action into a permanent state.

Course XIII - Teaching 5: Self-control

The technique of meditation exercise technique must be perfectly handled. Perfect technique does not imply mystical realization, but shows great mental and emotional mastery attained. Divine realization is impossible without an absolute control of the mind and heart.

Course XIII - Teaching 6: Meditation and its Apprenticeship

Exercises of meditation must be known properly by the Son. First, he must be internally ready to pray; otherwise he shall acquire this predisposition by overcoming himself and persevering in his exercises.

Course XIII - Teaching 7: Meditation Exercise

The meditation exercise should undergo a gradual simplification not only as to discourse and pictures, but also as to the mode or relationship of the discourse and picture in relation to the soul.

Course XIII - Teaching 8: Exercise of Intellectual Meditation

A Son has to know first the exercise of meditation comprehensively. He must make of the technique, a comprehensive, rational technique. First it is necessary to discern and charge the persuasive word with comprehensive power.

Course XIII - Teaching 9: Sensibility in Meditation

Spiritual life does not consist in sublimating feelings. So, those Sons who in meditation only are looking for higher sensibility do not go beyond certain limit and never can check their emotions.

Course XIII - Teaching 10: Meditation and Technique of the Exercise

How can meditation on level of ordinary thoughts be differentiated from a beautiful speech that is able to arouse vivid emotions and uttered with order, method and established subject? Technique is valuable for this: one achieves meditation by means of technique.