Course XVII - Teaching 2: Absorption

In essence, life of prayer usually is deep absorption. In these states of prayer, you shall find this inner point: participation.
If on any ascetic-mystical path certain time is established for prayer and spiritual exercises, not always the latter are enough for absorption when the soul reduces prayer to them.
Moreover, in many cases, Sons that really achieve absorption are severely tried out and feel dry and absent-minded while they meditate. Even though their trials are unimportant, this experience is significant in those people who are insufficiently devoted to prayer, particularly because their life style demands much movement, continuous talk and very little propitious environment to inner life.
When you are more in need of an inner switch, you need more detachment and absorption. You can pray continuously, but if your prayer is not subconscious, then you are finally involved in an activity that in the beginning attracts your attention. Moreover, continuous talks and socialization with persons of ideas and purposes that are opposite to those of the Son, give rise to contrary power centers in which you consume rapidly this power. You do not counteract always this attraction by means of simple jaculatories or fixed prayers. You need an inverse soul movement: inner fixation is absorption.
You have to unveil the secret of this movement, and to have the key to this chamber of your heart.
If you do not pay attention to this, you stop rapidly being devoted to Renunciation, and only a deep absorption can sustain your Renunciation.
When your life is not internally devoted to Renunciation, you stop being in contact with the living Cafh’s Teaching, and the Substantial Union with the Divine Mother is more and more far away, and finally becomes one more dream.
Nothing changes outside, everything goes on the same in the ordinary routine of daily actions; but here life is absent –a life that a simple external performance cannot sustain, but needs inner stability and determination of your soul: it needs mystique of Renunciation made life and union. You need this irresistible inner magnet: the Divine Mother.

Cafh Founder

Disciple, the Teachings –free, generous and magisterial– are at your disposal. It is up to you. Master Santiago came back!
