Course XVII - Teaching 8: Vow of Holocaust

“My soul is tied to all souls forever. Just as God is a prisoner in the Creation, so my soul is a prisoner of its love to all souls. These souls are my life; and I am these souls.
This is perfect love, perfect Renunciation. When this expansion comprises the universe, then it is perfect and fades away in the eternity and infinitude of God –it fades away in the souls.
Extinction is not self-annihilation, but to be in expansion.
Why is this expansion a Holocaust?
Men feel union is sensible and exquisite bliss, but then also there would be a sensible exquisite sorrow.
Perfect Unity is extinction that is holocaust; it is Spirit’s immolation on a life of separateness and sorrow.
I am what I am, but I am in the souls: in this duality you find a divine redeeming sorrow, which only ends in the Eternity.
But you fade away absolutely as a separate life through your Eternal Vow of Union, and you exist as a simple, eternal and universal participation.
Your life becomes eternal divine presence through your union with those who were and with those who shall come.
A union with the Knight Great Master is union with the Divine Mother’s Presence through Substantial Union.
A Vow of Union is Holocaust because is the last sacrifice; it is non-existence from a personal viewpoint, and tear of the last differentiating veil
A Vow of Union is holocaust because is union with human sorrow in the universal aspect of limitation and darkness, as a restraint of relative possibilities; but at the same time in the aspect of acquiring boundless expansive possibilities through reversibility and motionless presence in the essence of sorrow and limitation.
An eternal union with the Knight Great Master transforms the Son into permanent expression of Divine Will and Word, and into perfect Divine Mother’s image.
The Son becomes image of the God-man and divine mediator, and his human life is an eternal and continuous act as sacrifice in flesh and blood.
Man cannot know redeeming sorrow, pure pain.
This sorrow, this pain is not a feeling: it is being, feeling and interpretation of powers. It is not living experience, but the very life of the soul. It is an act of supreme renunciation; you do not renounce to limitation, but to the Eternity, to an absolute peace. This must be so. Perfection is an expansive impersonal state.
Through Divine Union you get to a perfect ecstasy, your return to life and do not miss this ecstasy, and you expand it upon men and upon the world. And you do not intend to form a duality, but because duality does not exist in God.
Divine Union is extinction; one simple witness remains to give evidence of God upon earth.
Suddenly, this holocaust takes part there, before the disciple, as his own life, his own destiny and his own being. But the great mystery remains –mystery about acceptance, mystery about freedom of the soul.
Holocaust to be such has to become spontaneous action of a free soul. Not strictly as offering, but as expression of the last offering, that is to say, that of his individuality and of his divine and supreme freedom.
There is no freedom but through participation of the soul in life, in the complete existence of Hes and Ahehia: He Is; He Is not; He is One; He is Many. This is Holocaust before the very eyes of separateness; it is life to the Spirit.
Vow: A Vow is seal and divine mark on a transformed soul. It is eternal confirmation; a contingent action in time becomes simple and eternal. It is a connection between the Divine Mother and the soul –divine alliance.
Eternal: Through his renunciation, the Son becomes immortal: He is, he was and he shall be: in the Son, in souls, in worlds and in Eternity.
About Union: Participation by presence. He is simple witness of God in each soul and, at the same time, living holocaust of love and sorrow in all of them, by becoming one with them Eternally.
The 43 Table’s Sons establish the magnetic divine-human circle, which is Divine through Substantial Union with the Divine Mother. Human because is shaping the Simple Idea in flesh, blood and sorrow of the human world –blood holocaust.
And as to all those who were and all those who shall come: Human participation becomes expansive: it goes over separateness, comprises all worlds and all states of life and consciousness, and finally becomes a simple and eternal unity, as Ired, as divine life.
Cafh’s Sons, take my blessing. The Ired is closed: the Divine Union is perfect ecstasy poured continuously on the souls and the world.
An Eternal Vow is Vow of Holocaust because is Vow of Substantial Participation.
The Union with the Knight Great Master is union with the Divine through eternal immolation on the souls; it is divine blood united with human blood, liberating the latter through its redeeming pain. Redeeming pain is not human pain, but divine pain that becomes human. It is the Divine Mother becoming flesh and blood in Her Sons.
By being undetermined, the expansion of the soul transforms it into mystical presence in all souls. So, all souls live in the Son’s soul, and he transforms his life into life of all souls. So he becomes a perfect image of the Divine Mother, not only through his Substantial Union with Her, but also as Her perfect expression, in the sense of a life made universal existence.
By becoming one with the Knight Great Master, the Son becomes one with the eternity.
The Knight Great Master is one and unique; he is expression of the Divine Spirit, Who is Cafh’s life. So, the Son becomes prototype, ideal Son, divine and perfect image of “The Son”, divine Initiate, Redeemer.
The Vow of blood union with those who were and shall be is the indissoluble loving tie that transforms him into a co-redeemer through substantial participation with the Divine Initiate.
By his Vow of Union with the 43 Table’s Sons he is spiritually tied to divine beings that form the mystical circle of help and salvation of humanity. This Vow ties him indissolubly to divine destiny and human suffering as if it was an eternal chain whose links would be love and sorrow, blood and spirit. When a disciple takes his Vows, he finds in them a total culmination of efforts and spiritual conquest. The Vow of Holocaust cannot be considered like that. A Holocaust cannot be a conquest –it is something pre-existent in the soul.
This Vow is not more than a confirmation of what already is in the soul. To the Son, this Vow is the Divine Seal on his human and spiritual immolation. It is something irrevocable, absolute and Eternal. The Path of Renunciation is that of objective and concrete achievements. Otherwise, Renunciation would be just another abstraction. You renounce to possessions, but you have to possess spiritual goods in order to be able to give them.

Cafh Founder

Disciple, the Teachings –free, generous and magisterial– are at your disposal. It is up to you. Master Santiago came back!
