Course IV - Teaching 3: The Regulation

Man is composed harmoniously and mathematically; so he is ruled by laws and organic, ethic and cosmic rules that are indisputable and inalterable.
His development and evolution follow certain evolutionary plan by natural and contingent methods gradually unfolded every hour of his living.
Human and civilian laws, derived from needs of human development, are quite useful while being expression of the Universal Law; otherwise are signs of decadence and bondage.
The Universal Law is Divine and Unique, ever leading the individual being toward his final liberation and identification with Eternity.
Human laws are those making a man fit to attain this divine liberation in the frame of his type and destiny.
But any human law established as the very end and not aiming at the liberation of man is bad and harmful. Because of their ancestral habit of animal adjustment, men shall attach to that law but should carry it on their backs as a burden of tyranny and pain.
Human laws are nothing more than heaps of sand thrown by elementals of the illusion to the eyes of men.
The Regulation of Cafh is for to those Sons who have obeyed it as image of the Universal Law and mean to fulfill the Divine Law.
This Law manifests with different forms and ways to fulfill it, but ever maintaining its original, fundamental unity. By efforts and mystical training, the Son achieves the Divine Union and Spiritual Liberation by the image and measure imposed by the Regulation of Cafh. This Regulation is the only one fit to the Son among all, leads him to adopt those observances and norms that immobilize him and externally paralyze him, so that forces and inner activities grow and be fruitful and, at the same time, arranges and canalizes the laws of the world that the Son must also fulfill to achieve this end.
The Regulation of Cafh is for the Sons who have obeyed it so that they may get their liberation in stages.
A human law that tends to be established as unique end and not harmoniously adapted to the specific mission of the Son whose destiny is divine and universal, becomes demonic and enslaving.
A foolish man says, “I want to be free”, and disposes of any duty and obligation and, jumping at the void, collides with the great chaos of disorder and disorientation.
But when a wise man says, “I want to be free”, adopts the fittest law to him, follows the method established and does not abandon it and, step by step, goes toward his liberation.
When the human law is more relative in regard to the divine law, it becomes fitter to hasten the way to liberation.
The Regulation of Cafh is for Sons that have observed it as expression of common sense.
Among mystics, even among those of strict inner life, there are two kinds of rules for the souls; the one is very severe, and the other, very soft.
Although there are souls that for their inner development need one of these rules, the severe rule does not survive the life of its founder, and the softer rule even does not survive the lifetime of its founder. The one and the other rule bring similar disagreements and misunderstandings that finally disturb the souls.
The Regulation of Cafh provides the most practical and mild method, adapted to times, places and characteristics of the Sons.
It is neither too much moderate nor too much severe; it is more sensible and gives the possibility of a noticeable percentage of observance and regularity. So it reveals knowledge of human beings and common sense.
The Regulation of Cafh is for those Sons that have observed it as divine and human injunction.
It is human because is adapted to the ascetic and moral characteristics of the Sons for its simplicity, efficiency and plainness.
It is human because on its external expression removes any external aspect, details and pomposity, and facilitates the fulfillment of Cafh’s duties by fundamental, clear and visible practices.
It is Divine because reflects the infinite light by its continuous efforts to make of the life of the Son a continuous training that facilitates his mystical union.
It is Divine because continuously exalts the Son, from plain and one-sided observance to freedom of the Divine Union.
Also, the Regulation, by the Law of Consequences is for the Sons as the unique fit method to them so that they may get habits favorable to their spiritual ascent.
It is Divine and human because removes any extra burden and leaves only the ideal force, a force that makes him humanly disappear as personality to be divinely revealed as egocentric force.
The only possibility of world salvation is the disappearance of man as external personality to achieve a greater inner individuality.
Individuals as such have to fail for the expression in the world of a uniform way of feeling and thinking.
The Regulation of Cafh is for those Sons that have observed it as a mould of life. Every man needs a mould to live. Even Masters, lofty beings sent to earth to teach to mankind how to break its bonds and ties that blind and enslave it, have to adapt to a method, however easy and simple it is: or man bursts or has to adapt to it.
It is important to know that the rule is a mean, not an end. It is important to know which is and how is the mould that one bears.
Most men are put in unsuitable moulds to them. The effort of reaction produces pain and suffering.
Fight to oblige men to live in certain mould makes invent remedies that are even worse moulds than the first ones.
Only the divine mould is useful for man and this mould is spontaneously given by the law of life and destiny, image of the Divine Life. So Christ says, “My yoke is soft and my burden light”.
The Regulation of Cafh is for those Sons that have observed it as a mean of happiness.
It is the method that they need for their progress, the only useful rule for their adaptation.
It is not a burden for the Sons but something inherent to them, something spontaneous that takes part in them.
Its fulfillment is not a stumbling block for the Sons, it is not something strange to them, but faithful expression of what they desire to be and do.
They fulfill it willingly and it is expression of his doings and a loving burden.
As the time passes by, you shall see how a man enclosed against his will becomes a ruin, while a man that willingly enters the cloister finds mental clarity, sublimation and peace in this isolation.
Law is heavy when becomes strange to being, but when it joins to him and acts as a spontaneous expression of the soul, is Christ’s light yoke.
The Regulation of Cafh is for those Sons that observed it as a mean of liberating adaptation.
The word freedom is like a blinding light for the human being that is ever in chains, but there is only one freedom, freedom of the spirit, and most times this freedom becomes a daydream like the star that a child wants to touch with his hands. Also there is no human law or human freedom to give liberation. Even loftiest methods cannot achieve anything; they can only prepare the soul for its liberation.
When the soul adopts a proper law or method, and follows it purposefully and attentively, is prepared for the divine spiritual liberation, and this liberation arrives only by means of understanding and inner bliss.
The Regulation of Cafh shapes the soul because its only end, concern or effort is to prepare the soul to contact its inner and divine forces. It is like the Guardian in the Threshold that accompanies the soul until the Holy Gate and indicates the Way toward the Royal Chamber.
The soul sees itself within, and only then can be free by understanding laws and actions of the world and recognizing them as illusory. There the soul comes into contact with the only mental vibration, expression of the cosmic substance, and glimpses the Law of the eternal becoming and its atavistic modifications, and thus knows how to discriminate between illusory and real, and between Laws and laws.
There the soul sees itself like the result of this only vibration. The soul sees that this vibration is neither force of the brain, nor force of the heart, nor force of hands or feet, for all these forces are not the results of modification, but all that vibration is spiritual forces emanating from the only vibration.
The Regulation of Cafh is for those Sons that have observed it as synthesis of their Spiritual Ideal.
When the Regulation becomes in the Son a unique vibrational force determined by a habit of unique sanctity, transforms human into divine. It is the achievement of the Spiritual Ideal. So the structure of Cafh’s Regulation is ideal over all.
Cafh’s Laws, more than impositions, are norms helping in Ascetic Renunciation, based on practices that are more internal than external. Even external norms are rather spiritual stimuli than organic functions.
The Regulation is the effort of the Son alone to get external detachment and to attach strongly to internal, spiritual practices.
In such a way Cafh’s Regulation aims at achieving the Spiritual Ideal with a particular preparation that, by means of authorities, the Son can ever be adapted or get free of those external practices hindering him from being realized.

Cafh Founder

Disciple, the Teachings –free, generous and magisterial– are at your disposal. It is up to you. Master Santiago came back!
