Course XI - Teaching 6: Law of Renunciation

Sons of Cafh must observe current laws in their own countries, or countries where they stay.
Some persons think that one has to observe only fair laws, and to be against other laws considered evil to peoples.
Cafh’s mission on this Earth is not to judge or determine which laws are good or evil, since the Divine Plan establishes which organizations have to decide about this matter. But as no human being can dispose of his own responsibility in society, and he must not lay aside problems of the peoples, it is necessary to tell which the foundation is of this injunction related to the observance of laws.
Cafh proclaims: no law can be always good and have efficient results if not based on Renunciation, therefore all laws could be good if and when started from this fundamental postulate.
Laws are always human, good today and not good tomorrow, subject to infinite changes and circumstances, applied according to the viewpoint of those who proclaim and control them, while renunciation is a unique, universal and unchangeable law. And as Renunciation is a unique law and divine expression of the Idea Mother of the Aryan Race on this Earth, Great Initiates of all times have proclaimed it.
Wish for possessions, fear of losing possessions and life and human accumulative avarice have moved men away from this unique law, source of all happiness; thence necessarily more and more compulsory laws to stop these evils.
But if the individual being obeys the Divine Law of Renunciation, then human laws become easy and bearable, and by dint of his conduct and moral endurance he abolishes these laws when are not useful and good any more.
The Son of Cafh must obey laws because these laws instead of counteracting contribute to the unique Renunciation law. Even by being subject to unfair laws, law itself expires by renouncing to one’s own will.
All Great Initiates have proclaimed and practiced this Eternal Law, and manifested it on this world with submission and renunciation.
Gandhi’s “Non-Violence” policy is an Everlasting Message.
Saint Francis of Assisi finds perfect happiness by marrying Madonna Povertá.
Jesus preaches Renunciation as the Highest Law. “Whosoever will come after me, let him forsake all things and come”, and not only all things, but also his self, his soul itself. “For whosoever will save his soul shall lose it; and whosoever shall lose his soul for my sake, the same shall live forever”.
Buddha preaches Renunciation as the only mean for fraternity among all social classes, and he achieves peace and happiness. Law of Renunciation is based on detachment from one’s values: it is an Inner Law and not an outer law. As it is a negative act of sensory and intellectual will, this Law causes the individual being to die to present outer life: to his way of acting, feeling and thinking. He fulfils all these functions objectively, with no identification with his own thoughts, experiences and deeds. He stops making; so, he becomes Being, Simple Witness to himself.
His negative values through the act of constant Renunciation –which instead of doing nothing implies to do with no attachment to one’s deeds– move a man to certain infinitely higher state: state of super-feeling, super-acting and super-thinking with unsuspected results. Even Christ says, “You who have forsaken everything for me shall receive hundred for one, and even eternal life”.
Power of those who practice the inner Law of Renunciation is immense, but this Renunciation might be imperfect if it were only good to some few.
This good has to be within the reach of all men; perfect happiness cannot exist if only one man does not share it.
The Son of Renunciation must fulfill all human laws along with all men, so that his submissive participation links him with all men and brings him into contact with their inner vibration and feeling. This participation has to teach men that happiness of peoples can be obtained only by participating in the Unique and Divine Law of Renunciation, and not by means of revolutions and wars or by changing laws.

Cafh Founder

Disciple, the Teachings –free, generous and magisterial– are at your disposal. It is up to you. Master Santiago came back!
