
Reflection N° 87 - Why?

To Adriana, a Buddhist soul. According to a legend, in the North of India a woman had a baby who died soon after being born. Quite distressed, as this mother stayed near the Buddha, she went and saw him with her child, and weeping beseeched to bring him back to life again.

Reflection N° 75 - The Radiant Barrier

In precedent Reflection # 74 we have stated: Maitreya, the Great Solar Initiate, has established by means of his Global Planetary Aura, a barrier wrapping and penetrating us with no exception, and that this mark fixes an inflection point between the characteristic involution of the human history since the beginning and the new evolutionary way opening the American Sakib’s Age.

Reflection N° 100 - The Seed

Well. C.A.F.H. of Master Santiago Bovisio ended and the Holy Order of American Knights of Fire Ihes rose into the heavenly home Om Hes along with Mother Abbhumi and Astral Knights looking at us and protecting us.

Reflection N° 110 - I was born as a slave

Freedom and justice are not within the reach of an incarnate man. To reach them, he is to soar to highest dimensions of reality, or by mystic ascetic efforts or by natural evolution, incarnating again and again for millions of years along with Humanity, making all experiences, knowing right and wrong, suffering and experiencing deepest desolation.

Reflection N° 151 - To Be Rich – To Be Poor

The world revolves around money. It was not always so. This is a matter relatively modern. The golden coin, money, began to circulate between ports from Greece to Carthage, in small boats trading pottery, olive oil, jewelry and textiles about three thousand years ago.

Reflection N° 153 - Chronicles of the last human cycle

1900: Discovery of the radioactivity by Becquerel, Pierre and Marie Curie. First years: Max Plank, discovery of quantum mechanics. Development of explosion motor, diesel, motor racing, cinematography, wireless telegraph, electric railways, intra oceanic telephones, aviation, conquest of the Poles, Great Britain, the first power of an immense sea empire, “The Young Ladies of Avignon”, by Picasso, and “The Rite of Spring,” by Igor Stravinsky.

Course V - Teaching 2: Meditation on Death

When the Blessed Buddha began to assemble his sons to teach them the extraordinary truth that all is renunciation and nothing is lasting in the world, his first action was not to comment that everything perishes and finishes, but to send them to a cemetery.

Course V - Teaching 4: Mystical Death of De Rancé

De Rancé, a reformer of the Cistercian Order and founder of the Trappe, is one of the most beautiful examples of contemplating death and sorrow. When does death call him to the true life by removing him from the illusory world and leading him to the summit of the most pure sanctity?

Course V - Teaching 5: Possessive Effectiveness of Renunciation

Renunciation is the only truth that a man can know because is the opposite attachment –which is falsehood and ignorance–, on which men establish their knowledge. To desire a permanent life and to believe that the world is a lasting good brings every misery, pain and evil to the world.

Course V - Teaching 7: Renunciation as Salvation

Renunciation –understood as unique salvation of the world, taken with Holy Vows, and daily lived through acts and rhythm of Community– inevitably leads to a mystique and to certain way of expansive inner life.