Spirit of Cafh

Course XII - Teaching 1: Message of Renunciation

Renunciation is the only way to the world salvation and there is no other soul salvation way apart from Renunciation. This is not only a doctrinal postulate, but even essential and contingent law of the universe and Humanity.

Course XI - Teaching 2: This is the Regulation

The soul transformation is immediate by contacting the Great Current: from human being to divine being, and as a man is bound to fulfill natural laws and rules, so a divine being, as soon as he becomes such, is subject to spiritual laws and rules.

Course XI - Teaching 3: Reunion of Souls

Men need reciprocal participation in events and habits in order to live together. These events and habits are at the same time source and result of blood bonds, community responsibilities and successive laws, adaptation to environment, efficient labor and stable residence.

Course XI - Teaching 4: The Mystical Body

Cafh is essentially divine, and undetermined in itself. So, it manifests itself through the Mystical Body as a whole. Cafh is a simple idea multiplied by reversibility, expanded by participation, and determined as presence manifested.

Course XI - Teaching 5: Love in Vows

The spiritual life of the Son is determined as soon as he enters Cafh. It is then when the individual soul needs a backward survey to understand how, even being blind his fate destiny has led it to the spiritual way.

Course XI - Teaching 6: Law of Renunciation

Sons of Cafh must observe current laws in their own countries, or countries where they stay. Some persons think that one has to observe only fair laws, and to be against other laws considered evil to peoples.

Course XI - Teaching 7: Universal Religion

Cafh tells his Sons to respect the religion in their country, but this does not mean that these Sons have to lay aside their own original religion and cherish the current religion of the country, or that sometimes they cannot discuss religious matters, when this discussion is based on knowledge of texts and causes.

Course XI - Teaching 8: Faith

The Son founds his future mystical states on faith; so, faith is support of spiritual life. The soul confronts by destiny certain spiritual ideal, and this ideal is real but unknown, and the soul cherishes it blindly and adheres to it strenuously, always with a pure act of faith.

Course XI - Teaching 9: The Superior before the Soul

The Superior cannot develop a true spiritual work in the soul of the Son if this Superior does not know intimate aspirations of this Son. From the beginning, the Superior has to know those intimate thoughts and secret feelings of the Son.

Course XI - Teaching 10: The Superior as a Guide of the Soul

Those Sons who start the Path, and above all, if they are young men that still have to define their lives, do not know their vocation. A Superior is greatly responsible for the vocational issue.