
Reflection N° 100 - The Seed

Well. C.A.F.H. of Master Santiago Bovisio ended and the Holy Order of American Knights of Fire Ihes rose into the heavenly home Om Hes along with Mother Abbhumi and Astral Knights looking at us and protecting us.

Reflection N° 131 - False Spiritual People

One day, Master Santiago travelled to Rosario driven by car by his friend Carlos Plus, staying by night at Pascual Agueci’s home, to deal with certain subjects with a group of Cafh’s Superiors.

Course V - Teaching 9: Liberating Automatism of Renunciation

Renunciation kills man for man to live. When men of the world observe the souls, their expressions are harsh. How many times we hear about generous people who passed away: “So it is easy to go to God, by leaving everything behind.

Course V - Teaching 10: Goods of Renunciation

The Gospel says: “And everyone that has forsaken houses, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my name’s sake, shall receive a hundredfold, and shall inherit everlasting life”.

Course V - Teaching 12: Tibetan Disciples

In Tibet there is an extraordinary mystique related to death and mystical death, and the Sons need to know it. In old days, the mystique of death was an ordinary thing.

Course V - Teaching 15: Permanent Renunciation

The Spiritual Retreat is a gift granted every year to the Sons to recover their strength and to consider and feel again their spiritual vocation in all their inner resources. In short, days of spiritual retreat are days of true graces.

Course XI - Teaching 6: Law of Renunciation

Sons of Cafh must observe current laws in their own countries, or countries where they stay. Some persons think that one has to observe only fair laws, and to be against other laws considered evil to peoples.