
Course II - Teaching 1: Mysteries of the Sacrifice

Even if we wished to flee from sorrow, sorrow is ever present in human life despite every effort of the civilization and despite modern breakthroughs for a more bearable living.

Course IV - Teaching 13: The Strong Liberator

Cafh expects the next descent of the Divine Incarnation on earth. The Strong Liberator, the Maitreya, the Glorious Christ, is the image of the expected Divine Being. Many say the Divine Incarnation really does not incarnate in a man but animates only a form, or gives impulse to a chosen being.

Course V - Teaching 7: Renunciation as Salvation

Renunciation –understood as unique salvation of the world, taken with Holy Vows, and daily lived through acts and rhythm of Community– inevitably leads to a mystique and to certain way of expansive inner life.

Course V - Teaching 8: Mystique of Ash in Saint Paul of the Cross

The most wonderful and surprising aspect in the life of Saint Paul of the Cross is his extraordinary spirit of renunciation and absolute detachment of anything in the world; and this is so great that he establishes in the Christian world a congregation totally devoted to achieve this as similar mystical death as mystical death of souls offered in holocaust to redeem Humanity.

Course V - Teaching 13: Renunciation as Holocaust

Renunciation, as a permanent, living holocaust, is not only a unique good and mean of salvation for a soul that has assumed it, but also the unique mean to help the world and redeem Humanity.

Course V - Teaching 14: Conquest of Souls through Renunciation

A soul that renounces and devotes to God, through this renunciation becomes responsible for the spiritual progress of all souls in the world. All beings have a mission and become responsible for its fulfillment, but the most extraordinary and highest responsibility is that of consecrated souls.

Course V - Teaching 16: Saint Francesca Romana

After a Holy Retreat, it is indispensable to consider the blissful Eternity, source of Message, assistance and consolation; we must cross this bridge to achieve our ideal –which leads from this miserable life to Eternal Life– remembering those Patrons, Holy Masters, spiritual guides and companions that have preceded us and constantly extend their hands to the Sons to cross quickly the bridge.

Course VIII - Teaching 2: Inner Life

It is indispensable for man to recognize himself deeply and intimately in order to realize the Spirit’s life in his own soul. A Bishop called Silesius says, “Your soul shall go astray although Christ is born one thousand times in Bethlehem but not in you.

Course VIII - Teaching 6: Liberation

Men are enraptured when a new prophet appears and teaches about liberation and new horizons of life. How sweet are these words in their ears! This means to break with ancient rites, old traditions and time-honored customs; in short, to break chains of bondage and to go out of the cage that keeps them in prison!

Course VIII - Teaching 10: To Believe and Beliefs

One cannot start the Good Way with no faith or belief. To believe means not to stick to certain beliefs. All religions possess beliefs, and one religion sustains what other religion rejects.