The Divine Union cannot be achieved on Earth.
Its achievement is potential particular individually.
Substantial Union: The soul achieves the individual Union through Cafh’s means. This Union continues in him even after his return to the permanent ordinary state in a substantial form by participating with the Mystical Cafh’s Body in this state of permanent Union achieved by the soul of Cafh.
He commented his particular concern about the Ordained Sons in the world since up to recent times even he did not understand how to unite the vow of self-renunciation with an ever-constant effective action that determines this constant hell that is the world.
He indicated what method he uses so that this active inactivity results in action through renunciation. He looked for these results on a new methodology to get better vows. Exemplary living in vows.
I shall deal with the so important problem of asceticism. The reading of books and practical experiences did not achieve other thing than to mix up theoretical, practical and personal knowledge that of course confuses the souls.
Asceticism considered in Cafh could seem harmful or helpless, but this is not true at all.
Individual asceticism is harmful, but asceticism practiced (even by the Son) by the man in order to attain an experience and later put this asceticism in the mystical body, is helpful.
Cafh, master of truth, has given the definition in an absolute way, with only one word, about the ever-existent problem of any mystic: what the Divine Union is and if this Divine Union can be achieved.
I hope this Retirement will be useful for the present and future of your vocations.
No doctrine is valuable if it is not based on the Vows.
We must carry clear ideas to the world in order to guide the Sons and lead them on the mystical path of Renunciation.
As the Son enters the Great Cafh’s Current, he promises to carry out faithfully his duties and responsibilities that the Regulation establishes. His permanence in Cafh is only conditioned by the strict observance of the Regulation that the Superiors shall offer him; but if his early craving for God and liberation are greater, if the Divine Love hurts his chest and the Divine Mystery further inflames his mind, a mere observance of articles and clauses of the Regulation shall not be enough, but he must contact the very Spirit of the Regulation.
Souls are in tune one another through Cafh. Cafh makes an abstraction of the worldly personality of its members for it reunites certain individuals only through the magnetic thread of their souls.
After the first authority of Cafh, which is that of its Knight Great Master, all Sons are subject to the rules of the Regulation.
Through this disciplinary subjection, the soul introduces slowly and gradually the Spirit of the Regulation into his life, and personally intensifies the current of Cafh.