Course X - Teaching 7: Exercises to Achieve Action through Renunciation

He indicated what method he uses so that this active inactivity results in action through renunciation. He looked for these results on a new methodology to get better vows. Exemplary living in vows. Silence, fidelity and obedience lead to an efficient result through renunciation.
He took the Vow of Silence and practiced it with this method: any news that he gets (letters, newspapers, news, books, et cetera), which his excited mind wants to explore, are postponed; so he practices non-action.
One’s mind, being a true tyrant, through individual boredom and by taking out our nutritious bread, tries to overcome this inaction. So, it is important an attentive will confronting the mind and setting the soul free from an excited imaginative fantasy by means of silence. Later, silence shall make the received expansive peace solve the posited problem and give a right solution, that is, spiritual solution. A practical exercise is not to be carried away by mental inspiration at the first collision with the provoked situation and that the silence in the fight established to defend it strengthens the vow and through this vow the inaction acquires expansion and divine action.
He considered the exercise of meditation and taught us how to refrain our impulse to meditate with very dear and longed pictures.
In the direction of the Sons, he taught us about the wise disposition formed in a Superior by the practice of this Vow of silence, which lifts the Superior and moves him away from the Son, so that this answer is longed by the soul of the Son and not by both personalities.

Cafh Founder

Disciple, the Teachings –free, generous and magisterial– are at your disposal. It is up to you. Master Santiago came back!
