Course X - Teaching 10: Renunciation as Inner Mystique

Cafh, master of truth, has given the definition in an absolute way, with only one word, about the ever-existent problem of any mystic: what the Divine Union is and if this Divine Union can be achieved.
This word defines all; so the Sons may take part in the Substantial Union with the Divine Mother. On this earth, the man shall not achieve the permanent Divine Union but just the Substantial Union. If man achieved the Divine Union, he would disappear. No mental compound, no atom of him would remain in him; he should disintegrate like the atomic bomb. Only his spiritual body would remain. The Divine Union is permanent and eternal. One cannot go back. No great being on earth could have lived after he achieved the Divine Union.
Let us consider Plotinus’ case. According to his sayings, he achieved the Divine Union twice. But if he achieves one Union it is because they are partial Unions. If one of these Unions were total, Plotinus could not survive or tell that he had two Unions.
A human being can achieve one Substantial –only Substantial– Union through ascetic practice. The Sons-Superiors of Cafh do not know what is this Substantial Union. Here is the true mystique of Cafh.
How to achieve the above-mentioned Divine action although never shall be entirely divine?
An individual union is achieved by those souls that make efforts in the practice of virtues, follow the ascetic path and are totally detached.
The union achieved by these great beings of the world is as if they took the flame of their soul and approached it to the great divine flame, but would not fuse with it. In this sense they would need to be detached from their own union.
No being achieves individually the Divine Union.
The Hindu say in the Satachakra Nirupana: “The house with no support is the house of God”. As the yogi arrives he needs not any support on earth, but he does not achieve it through his individual support.
So, the individual union cannot be Divine Union, since when we say individual, we say support, that is, we refer to a compound yet. These are words.
Even beings with Partial Union cannot deprive themselves of individual elements. One recognizes them because when they talk and say: my soul, my consciousness or my being, since these are only concepts.
In the mystique of Cafh, this wants to take us to a mystique that is individual union with God, transmuted by passive reversibility, through vows of consubstantial union, and only an invisible thread remains in us, a thread that is permanently united with the cosmos.
It can be consubstantial only through a state of mystical death with the Divine Mother.
It is very chimerical the Divine Union achieved by a human being on earth.
The union of life can be achieved and its expression is external.
Let us focus the experience of Cafh, our means and our methods.
One cannot even attain partial Divine Union if there is no partial death. I must remove the physical body, and this death shall lead me to a Union of the Soul, if I want to attain a total Union in the Divine.
The Sons of Cafh tend toward this Divine soul Union.
We must die if we have to attain the Divine Union by means of Cafh. Our vow of renunciation is to die, but the divine elimination.
This divine disposition to die shall be a denial of the Divine Union, if achieved at one go. A good wine taster in front of a glass of wine tries it little by little, but an individual eager for drinking shall drink it at one go.
In Communities, the Ordained Sons use this sentence: to gain nothing, possess nothing and be nothing. Let us consider these last words: What is “to be nothing” but to infiltrate into the minds of beings an absolute atheism? But the denial of “being nothing”, “to be nothing” is to infiltrate into the mind of a man a progressive annihilation. That is, we achieve a divine mean through material means. This is the true divine explanation of this absurdity, “To be nothing”.
To say “to be nothing” is a divine lie, is atheism. A human being just can know that he is nothing, but in an expansive form, little by little, through reversibility.
The Divine Mother orders the soul to surrender slowly and passively.
Through this continuous renunciation, the Sons of Cafh achieve the partial Union with the Divine Mother.
But what does it mean: with the Divine Mother, and not with God?
The explanation is that the Union with God is not possible; just on this Earth the Union with the Divine Mother is possible; the Mother is in the cosmic circle which man belongs to.
The Union with the Divine Mother means union with mystical souls, with all those souls that achieved this union and do not transcend it, but return to Humanity through participating sorrow of their souls for those souls that cannot arrive from the world. Those saints that express their Divine Union do not achieve another thing than their Union with those souls that already got this grace.
The partial union is a mirage. All souls, even Divine Incarnations, are united there mystically, expecting successive unions of successive souls to attain such union. In this union it is as if the soul put itself in a crucible of fire. The soul, purified by this fire and this love to Humanity, tries not to transcend but to form an amalgamated mystical soul that we call the Divine Mother.
The divine soul, immersed in the Substantial and Divine Union, shall make this Divine and Substantial Union recognized by it. It is just an improvement that removes the immense possibility of being dissolved.
Through reversibility, this divine soul penetrates into any sorrow and misery of those souls that have attained the Divine Union.
It is an instant in time and space of this excitation; it is the partial Union that we can achieve.
Right now, with these concepts, we realize the pain contained in the Divine Incarnation; this pain is not wounds or physical sufferings of men, but sorrow of the soul, because this Incarnation cannot return to the divine bosom.
This Union cannot be happy or perfect because of this great sorrow.
So, we return to Earth, we return to our physical state, but this sense of passive responsibility remains in us. We are permanently united by a thread to the divine union, but living physically the sorrow of those that do not arrive.
This responsibility can become permanently active through this co-redemption of ours, through this participation in the sorrow of Humanity that is not saved.
This idea of passive reversibility involves participation until the hour of death through Substantial Union with the Divine Mother.
One takes part in the divine sorrow for helping the humanity through a permanent state of indescribable “happy sadness”.
So, our mystique of death is mystique of ashes.
We achieve the Substantial Union with the Divine Mother through renunciation to our own life by practicing our vows.
Also we must refer to practical means leading us toward this Substantial Union. It is participation in the Mystical Body just because we have the vow of renunciation to attain this Divine Union.
Through this participation of the soul as a whole in a faithful and obedient performance, one achieves respectfully such participation, even against our own will. This disagreement in many moments of his life, grants to the Son the divine participation, since it is the torment –the super-torment– of having the Union and of not wanting it. It is the call to Union of the Son that does not want to offer himself through renunciation.
Let us see the Substantial Union with the Sons, and especially with the Superiors.
Our Substantial Union with the Divine Mother participates in an astral way with all those beings that have transcended.
Cafh has nothing to do with human greatness, and that is why its greatness is supernatural. Because of its divine identification, nothing human can live in it.
Worldly men are skilled and wise, but are jealous of us, hate us and want to destroy us, all this because of this supernatural power. In their consciousness, they become mighty demons.
The Divine Mother claims for the Divine Union of her Sons, above all for the fulfillment of their vows.
We are divinely assisted because of this participation with the Substantial Union. Thence the powerful deeds of the Sons and their successful acts.
At death, our soul loses little by little its individuality, and enters another higher individuality tied to the divine Substantial Union.
One sees especially this process in the Knight Great Master, and later in the Knights Superiors. A different power from his individual ego has entered our Knight Great Master: it is a different power from his individual ego that gradually uproots him and annuls his Santiago’s individuality. This occurs with the Knights Masters even now on different planes.
Now, through this Substantial Union, nobody dies in Cafh. After his experiences on earth, the Knight Great Master will not incarnate again physically, but the reincarnation of his soul will place his entire realization power in another Son, perhaps his successor on Earth. So we see that we die gradually in order to live permanently.
Therefore, our responsibility is enormously greater. Time ago, a soul could be corrected with a little physical punishment for repentance; today this is not possible; the power of Cafh demands from the Knight Great Master to deal only with the Universal Message expected by the world and by those souls that, with possibilities of union, long for their salvation.
Now, nobody is entitled to individual help, except through the participation of this Substantial Union to achieve individually and collectively his salvation in the last cycle of life that shall permit him to be a superman and not to lag as a nomadic being that, since he shall not transcend, will be an element that shall delay his possibility as soul for an entire race, or manvantara.
As we are dying, there is only one entity.
He who took part in the Substantial Union with the Divine Mother always expresses with his good or bad disposition that he is divine and supernatural, by transmitting a power that is not of human beings.
We are in the great cycle. Those that shall come with us shall be saved. If they do not jump right now, shall remain confined for a new cycle. Our labor becomes permanently active.
The Substantial Union of the Sons is permanent, particularly those that took vow of renunciation, that is, our Superiors.
The great power of the Sons is to dispel shadows. It is to possess the divine gift of teaching; this teaching does not derive from books, since right now is the gift derived from this Substantial Union with the Divine Mother. To teach is a divine power in Cafh.
The third power emanated from this Substantial Union in the Sons is that of higher clairvoyance that prepares the Superiors to guide the souls. This state is so great and permanent in the Sons Superiors that they do not notice their own divinity. There are plenty evidences of this on the weekly Table’s reports.
It is happy death of our vows this death that gives so much life.

Cafh Founder

Disciple, the Teachings –free, generous and magisterial– are at your disposal. It is up to you. Master Santiago came back!
