Course X - Teaching 6: Recorded Commentaries on the Knight Great Master’s Talks

He commented his particular concern about the Ordained Sons in the world since up to recent times even he did not understand how to unite the vow of self-renunciation with an ever-constant effective action that determines this constant hell that is the world.
The solution of this derives from a principle of present super-mental knowledge. We must think of the atomic age, knowing that this action that we are developing is no more than a management of energies, thoughts and emotions that have formed the reservoir of our Divine Mother’s possessions. We are predestined, and by this divine choice, we cannot behave as other beings of the world do, who did not take their vows.
Influenced by their desire and thought of achieving it, in fact they totally apply their energies on this phantom of personal success, adhere to success, and since then they yield to the phantom (his imaginative fancy about a work) their inner power, and since that moment they remain tied and controlled by their own phantom.
The Ordained Sons, Superiors, must “understand”, if possible, that their action has to deserve their efforts tending to conceive the work, but not to give their inner wealth, since it has been offered to the Divine Mother. They must destroy the desire of attachment to a personal labor, and just the intimate realization of the Mother should be our last objective.
Our daily work, even its loss, failure in our profession and a poor economic performance are the main motives of a right intention to work in the name of Our Mother. One needs total detachment and to live in the heart of hearts, in order to absorb this principle that operates without inner expense and that can activate variable and different lines in their motion.
This method is masterly followed at present by the Russians with Stalin’s death. They throw down it for a higher power in its future expansion, that is, they do not follow stubbornly a straight line of effective action –like in the United States, where steel, capital and religion are concentrated to resist, ever focused on one idea controlling and absorbing them.
Also he said how to practice this principle as Table’s Superiors. As we teach and direct souls, if we do not remove our filthy personal habits, we are giving the idea of Cafh but with our attachment to philosophy and religion and blood that is out of our development as children and men.
The Teaching demands from us an inner identity with our Mother and our total detachment from the Sons by not participating with them in human affections, so that our detached feelings cannot tie us to a work that is different from the work that Cafh gives us.
The Sons should never say: my Superior is learned, practices such-and-such religion, is a professional, steadily sustains such-and-such political party, or such-and-such social work; but their expression must be only centered on: he is my Superior, he is my Spiritual Director.
We should not think that the Sons are ours, and we should remain totally detached as a trial when we change their Tables or we separate them from our direction.
Cafh has a message to Humanity: to make all beings participate in the practice of the Universal Religion, which takes for granted improvement through transmutation –not through annihilation– of every dogma, and transformation of a human being into a sanctuary.
Its message so developed in parallel by Cafh along with great jumps of the present Humanity is an adhesion point with such detachment to this action work.
He said that this method sometimes demands from us abstinence and later non-abstinence, so that the knowledge of action and reaction brings us into tune with the Cosmic Law, not with any individual and human law.
Not to be, not to possess, but to act on earth as predestined Sons to show Our Mother’s wealth.

Cafh Founder

Disciple, the Teachings –free, generous and magisterial– are at your disposal. It is up to you. Master Santiago came back!
