Courses on Philosophy

Course XXX - Teaching 11: Messianic Philosophy

A theistic philosopher asks: If I am son of God begotten by Him, why cannot I be God? The human mind, after being dedicated to its beloved speculation, resists the final idea that man never shall be God but just like God.

Course XXX - Teaching 12: Christian Philosophy

Christian philosophy is limited as such. Apparently human thought is limited, but as by the exercise of its potential activity extends its horizons, the possibilities become unlimited. Christian philosophy understood the value of these possibilities and tried to control them.

Course XXX - Teaching 13: Andrologic Philosophy

The human mind is an unlimited power that only can reach its comprehensive and creative fullness by union with the Infinite. So the correct, unique and true end of the mind is to seek God, the Eternity.

Course XXX - Teaching 14: Concepts of Andrologic Philosophy

Any andrologic concept is absurd. If a man were totally detached from all other beings and from the knowledge of God, this would be absurd because by his own intrinsic nature a man never can be apart from God and if he wished to know himself by his own means he should use his inner faculty.

Course XXX - Teaching 15: Rasika Philosophy

Rasika is the psychic body of Philosophy. History in itself just derives from this Philosophy. The true history is not history just recording chronologically external events but co-ordinating these events and giving them life, thought and expression.

Course XXX - Teaching 16: Philosophy

The study of Philosophy is like a mountain lake pouring its water on different brooks. From the summits, where thought is one, students analyze the Unique Idea, by dividing concepts into different expressions transformed at a time into different philosophies.

Course XXXI - Teaching 1: Revelation

For Revelation you should understand the Orthodox Scriptures of the great fundamental traditions. Great fundamental traditions are those that transmit the Teachings of the Races-Roots. The Teaching of an Orthodox Scripture must be based on antiquity and affirmation.

Course XXXI - Teaching 2: Definitions

These are fundamental definitions in Theology: Theology is the Only Truth; Theology is a Divine Knowledge taught directly by God; and the object of Theology is to discover to Man the Divine Knowledge and his relationship with God.

Course XXXI - Teaching 3: Method

A student of Theology should use the knowledge of several philosophies. He prepares himself to know the Truth, or Theology, by reflecting on philosophies, by reasoning, by discrepancy, and by inter-relating his theses.

Course XXXI - Teaching 4: Dogma

Dogma is a Truth deduced, or a Mystery, because generally man is unable to understand the Truth as Great Initiates and their disciples understand this Truth: “Clare Visa in Deo”.