Course XXXI - Teaching 2: Definitions

These are fundamental definitions in Theology: Theology is the Only Truth; Theology is a Divine Knowledge taught directly by God; and the object of Theology is to discover to Man the Divine Knowledge and his relationship with God.
Theology is the Only Truth because is the whole of all Philosophies, all sciences as a whole, and Infuse Light transmitted to the intuition of man so that he penetrates into the mysteries of the Divine Existence.
Theology is the Whole of Philosophy because any rational idea rightly articulated has to lead to a unique and invariable affirmation. It is all sciences as a whole because all knowledge comes from a Fundamental Law that is absolutely unique, absolutely simple and absolutely divine. It is Infuse Light because humanly a man alone would be unable to co-ordinate all his ideas in a unique, simple and divine idea.
Theology is a complete knowledge –human and divine– conveyed directly by God to the intuition of man through the Law of Possibility for his application, at a time, rationally, to the knowledge of God as active principle of the Knowable Universe, considered in its Interior and Divine Existence –simple and unique–, according to what He Is, but never in His Undifferentiated and Unknowable aspect. Since God is just the Existence of Himself, only God can be Master of Theology.
The object of Theology is to discover this Divine Knowledge to man, not in an accidental and veiled form, but in a consecutive and real form so that man becomes saint and worthy, and reaches the full Divine Vision through Ecstasy.
A student gradually knows Theology through a reasoned, coordinated and inter-related reflection, on the infuse lights of the Divine Knowledge.
A student demonstrates that he knows Theology through his own original personality, through knowledge expressed with wisdom and clarity, and through genial affirmations.
A Theologian cannot reflect on the Undifferentiated One.
The most correct way in Theology is to follow the example of Great Initiates, who always refused any discussion about the Undifferentiated Existence.

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Disciple, the Teachings –free, generous and magisterial– are at your disposal. It is up to you. Master Santiago came back!
