Course XXX - Teaching 16: Philosophy

The study of Philosophy is like a mountain lake pouring its water on different brooks.
From the summits, where thought is one, students analyze the Unique Idea, by dividing concepts into different expressions transformed at a time into different philosophies.
We are told: Platonic philosophy, Aristotelian philosophy, and so on, as if there were more than one Philosophy.
A man that is called Philosopher but is not such, is prisoner of certain concept and magnetic field or thinking, and denies all the rest; but a true Philosopher, even if he stays at his citadel, certainly recognizes that varied ideas form Philosophy as a whole.
Great philosophies, seemingly so different, if they unite their postulates, all of them are diverse expressions of the Truth that, as a whole, form the unique Philosophy, which is the queen of Philosophies.
Throughout ages Great Initiates emerged, who threw to the world the power of the Mother Idea covered by the characteristic and need of the current Humanity; but these noble philosophies were just an adaptation of the Philosophy and the student never has to lose sight of the universal thought.
Again one has to state that the student cannot know the Philosophy by applying to so vague and general concept, because by generalizing he loses interest in speculation and method, which lead to the practice of the right thinking.
The student must assume and stick to a position and philosophical postulate, and from there, he should conquer those different points indicated by the Great Laya Centers of philosophical knowledge.
So, necessarily he must dogmatize not being dogmatized, to stick to his own ideas, and acquire mental resources to sustain, defend and expound them to others, but intimately he has to keep a holy freedom that continuously enjoys the outpours of the Unique Idea.
Certain religions understood this high concept and called Theology to this particularly fundamental philosophical viewpoint. The student, after he received his philosophical postulates as divine and indisputable revelation, was obliged to be unconditionally subject to them, while the other points derived from it continued to belong partially to the field of Philosophy, and the student was free to discuss, reflect, deny or affirm according to his own way of understanding and deduction.
Philosophy is the Thought of God revealed to men; it is as if the Divine Mother took her Holy Veil off and presented it to Her beloved Son.
Philosophy, expression of the Thought, is the only valid art to restore the human happiness.

Cafh Founder

Disciple, the Teachings –free, generous and magisterial– are at your disposal. It is up to you. Master Santiago came back!
