Course XXX - Teaching 14: Concepts of Andrologic Philosophy

Any andrologic concept is absurd.
If a man were totally detached from all other beings and from the knowledge of God, this would be absurd because by his own intrinsic nature a man never can be apart from God and if he wished to know himself by his own means he should use his inner faculty.
Then it is understandable that a being not habituated to speculate about God, who is the only, real and true end, may think: “Am I?”, “Who?”, “Who am I?”.
The entire andrologic philosophy is based on this sentence.
Man seeks over all to explain his own ego. The ego known to him is his physical ego, which imperiously leads him to think through his vegetative or instinctive needs?
So, the fundamental postulate of the andrologic philosophy is: I am a man.
This result is correct from the physical viewpoint, but absurd from the cosmic viewpoint, like all partial andrologic truths.
Driven by his desires to know himself, man makes use of his mind to penetrate in the mysterious human machine; he investigates, observes, analyzes and compares, and pretends to be a child who breaks a toy to see what there is inside.
So, Andrology gets rich with numerous philosophical schools, all of them emerged from the first postulate, “I am, a man”, like physics, chemistry and applied medicine.
Since the postulate “I am a man” is just relatively true, being continues to maintain this sentence alive: “Who am I?”
Man discovers in himself feelings and emotions that are entirely inaccessible to physiology. Then starts reflecting: I am a man, but there is certain value that exists in me and I do not know. I can think of this or that; I can feel in one way or another; then philosophical study and analysis of emotions emerge and, after rough struggles, man reaches the great postulate: “I am a man with psyche”. All his internal feeling is studied in every one of its aspects, and the latter are externalized through several schools of different psychological character, whose coincidence is to sustain this postulate: “I am a man with psyche”.
Since this postulate, “I am a man with psyche” is just relatively true, like any andrologic truth, man continues repeating this sentence: “Who am I?”.
Sometimes physical man, with his instinct, prevails on being; other times thinking man, with its understanding, prevails.
Andrology reflects to determine which of these two forces is a true man, but as it explains it in a way or another, adds attributes to it. Every one of this attributes has greater or lesser importance, and from there multiple schools emerge that are more and more distant from the truth and from the primary source. But these schools taught man how to think, speak and use his varied knowledge in different specialties.
But man, who by using Andrologic Philosophy penetrated in the innermost depths of his being, finds the Divine Spark and through this Spark the only solution to the human problem, that is, the return to God, the return to Eternity.
Then the perfect premise emerges; the former andrologic premise is now Cosmodicy’s Postulate: “I am It”.

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