
Course VIII - Teaching 12: A Way of Praying

The habit of prayer is extremely difficult when usually our soul is troubled and our mind upset. So, sometimes we feel that this exercise is in conflict with our attitudes and that we never will practice it properly, and this produces great disappointment and despondency.

Course XI - Teaching 6: Law of Renunciation

Sons of Cafh must observe current laws in their own countries, or countries where they stay. Some persons think that one has to observe only fair laws, and to be against other laws considered evil to peoples.

Course XIV - Teaching 7: Prayer

Apparently, Man and God are two different things, but after man removes the veils of illusion, he realizes God, and then those things are like only one. This is happiness and paradise, and that is why, even being unaware of it, the individual being on earth hankers for spiritual perfection and for meeting God.

Course XVI - Teaching 5: The Perfect Holocaust

The soul wishing for the transformation by God and also the perfect life of the Divine Master must dive in the blood of the sorrowful passion, and suffer intensely so that the human nature is redeemed, and the personality destroyed and dead, with a super-individuality shining in the soul.

Course XVI - Teaching 10: The Eternal Hour

When the Apostle Saint Paul says: “We all shall be transformed”, and Christ says to Peter: “You are Peter, and upon this stone I shall build my church”, they teach upon the stone of our own being, such as it is, with its mistakes and its past, God wants to build His Temple.

Course XXIV - Teaching 6: Solar Initiates of Fourth Category

Solar Initiates of Fourth Category appear on Earth seven times during each race, and facilitate the labor of individual progress in Humanity. Peoples of all times present as prototype of their race to one of Them; he lives in conditions of ideas of his people, and tries to renew and invigorate them in such a way that he leaves an indelible track and divine memory of his work by initiating a new era.

Course XXX - Teaching 11: Messianic Philosophy

A theistic philosopher asks: If I am son of God begotten by Him, why cannot I be God? The human mind, after being dedicated to its beloved speculation, resists the final idea that man never shall be God but just like God.