Course XXIV - Teaching 6: Solar Initiates of Fourth Category

Solar Initiates of Fourth Category appear on Earth seven times during each race, and facilitate the labor of individual progress in Humanity.
Peoples of all times present as prototype of their race to one of Them; he lives in conditions of ideas of his people, and tries to renew and invigorate them in such a way that he leaves an indelible track and divine memory of his work by initiating a new era.
The Solar Initiate of Fourth Category joins closely to men, shares their lives and transforms the troubles of people into his own troubles to such extent that He becomes an image of these troubles He is God, and tries to solve these troubles taking part in their human flesh and idiosyncrasy by becoming a Savior of Humanity.
So close is the union of God-Man with men that in many cases his form seemingly prevailed over the divine one. In Him, human and divine are so closely united that he feels sorrows of mankind in such a way that one can say a Solar Initiate of Fourth Category carries in him all sorrows of Humanity; since only a perfect man, because he is truly God and truly man, can entirely feel and suffer from them. The work of Them is to remember the Mother-Idea, to vivify and renew it, by removing debris that the times and an imperfect work of man have piled over. Their mission is that of creating an individual will of Humanity.
Many times Solar Initiates of Fourth Category have come down to Earth. Their coming always was without a seed of personal or universal karma, and their conception has been truly virginal. Their coming has been prepared and prophesied by great Moon and Fire Initiates. Also, a selected cohort of the latter has accompanied them being still alive, as relatives, disciples, and closely related persons and Masters.
A Solar Initiate of Fourth Category affirms his divine incarnation during his life by unequivocal words, in front of witnesses and public, in such a way that his memory is imperishable among men. So that his work discloses its high end, he testifies the memory and truth of his doctrine by means of his own blood.
His body disintegrates quickly after death. Through his death, every human being and those who are on astral planes get a noticeable and beneficial influence. Forty days later, his subtle body also disintegrates and comes back to the bosom of the Divine.
Their mission on Earth ends with their death, but They continue to protect spiritually Humanity during a whole family sub-race that consequently creates a religion based on their doctrines.
In the course of present sub-race several Great Initiates of this kind are remembered, for instance: Krishna, Hermes, Buddha and Christ.

Cafh Founder

Disciple, the Teachings –free, generous and magisterial– are at your disposal. It is up to you. Master Santiago came back!
