Course XXVII - Teaching 29: Ancient Mexican Religions

The Aztecs, Miltecs and Toltecs are very similar to the Incas in religion and customs, and also descendants of the Atlanteans.
Contrary to the redskins of the Rocky Mountains, who had preserved the highest degree the customs of an entirely spiritual religion, with patriarchal and venerable habits, these natives of Central America were materialistic, fierce and bloodthirsty.
In their view, Citlantonac (the subtle universe) along with Citlalicue (the dense universe) created the Universe.
In their cosmogonic annals they remembered four ages: the age of water, when Earth, inhabited by giants, was flooded by a deluge.
The second age, the age of Earth, where the surviving giants took refuge, was destroyed by great seismic movements.
The third age, the age of air, was swept by cyclones.
As to the fourth age, the age of fire, immense flames devoured the human beings, and the Sun, Moon and stars were born of this fire, ascended to the sky and filled the space.
A broken knife of Citlantonac formed the gods, and men are born of a bone belonging to a dead god. Earth is revered in the goddess Amon, but Cinteolt is the favorite; she presides over the growth of maize (corn), a traditional plant of those natives; also she is patron of generation.
She was represented as a beautiful woman laden with spikes and holding a little boy; and human victims, who had to be physically perfect, healthy and strong, were sacrificed to her. They put these victims upon the altar of sacrifice, opened their chest by means of a sharp knife, extracted the palpitating heart and devoted it to the frightful goddess.
It would be impossible to list every god revered by these peoples. Tosi was mother of the gods, grandmother of men and patron of magicians and wizards.
Mixcoatec was god of storms, and, Xiulteculti, god of fire. Cihuatcoatl, kind and loving goddess-serpent, had give birth before any other woman and was patron of women in labor.
But the great god, the kind god in white, is Quetzalcoatl, the plumed serpent, who fosters peace. When he descended to men, prohibited any human sacrifice and banned wicked men.
Especially revered by the Toltecs, his symbol was the cross. Tired of being among men, we wished to return to heaven, leaving Tula, the highest city, where he was revered, in desolation.
After him, a wicked, vindictive and perverse god reigned; his name was Texcatlipoca, who again sowed sorrow among men.
Quickly the natives faded away, and treasures and memorials of their ancient and divine religion remained buried forever under lost cities.
But since nothing entirely perishes, in Rocky Mountains an ancient tribe of natives remains intact; they are pure descendants of the missing Atlantean Race and of dynasties of the eagle.
In those mountains, still today a deep echo resounds, it is the echo of revered names: Manitu, the eternal god, and Masson, the son of the living god. They remained there as unique symbol of the fourth race root, expecting the last day, when all seeds will be picked up and the sixth great race, the future race root will flourish.

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