Comparative Religions

Course XXVII - Teaching 9: Assyrian Goddess of War

A new people had emerged between the powerful Chaldean and Egyptian empires. Chaldeans, Assyrians, Phoenicians, Syrians, Sargonides and Persians are the third Aryan sub-race called Iranian. Aryans sub-races are divided as follows:

Course XXVII - Teaching 10: The Sun of Iran

From the shores of the Oxus and Laxartes, placed near the mystical plateau of Pamir, the Iranian descended toward Bactriana and Nizaya. The Empires of Medes and Persians emerged from this numerous nomadic tribes.

Course XXVII - Teaching 11: Sargonides

Usually the second Assyrian-Semite era of this Iranian people is called Assyria; but there is a great difference between these two eras and between both peoples. We have seen Assyrians were of Aryan-Semite descent and had assimilated early black peoples under their control.

Course XXVII - Teaching 12: The Hebrews

In the course of the first period of the Iranian sub-race, pure Aryans prevailed in government and direction of the peoples, as in Chaldea and Assyria. But since the second period of the Iranian sub-race, the copper-skinned Semites prevailed again, as can be seen in Sargonides, Phoenicians, Arameans, Moabits and Hebrews.

Course XXVII - Teaching 13: Moses’ Religion

The Atlanteans had a divine religion that, by considering the Absolute One as source of all things and unique reality, was reluctant to reflect about physical life and the purpose of man after death.

Course XXVII - Teaching 14: The Greeks

In the Aegean islands, a barbaric people grew up, descendant of pure Aryans, which had to be the origin of the Celtic sub-race and founder of Greece. Seemingly destiny left in the deepest darkness and abandonment those peoples that must be founders of great races and glorious dynasties.

Course XXVII - Teaching 15: Greek Gods

The true worship with gods, images and ceremonies begins in ancient Greece during the period called Mycenaean period. But Greek idols just reach the acme during the Hellenic era. The Hellenic era is composed of Aeolian, Ionian and Dorian dynasties.

Course XXVII - Teaching 16: Arts and Philosophies

With the exception of the Greek people, in arts and philosophy no people reached such high level, which is difficult to surpass. This civilization, born between pillars of the seven sciences, touched and deepened any knowledge, discovered and synthesized any beauty, and gave a new sense to life by means of poetry, literature and philosophy.

Course XXVII - Teaching 17: The Romans

The Black Forest was inhabited by a nomadic tribe of early Aryans; attracted by mild weather of western lands, they came down through the present Brenner until Venetian countries, and from there went into the centre of the ancient Saturnia.

Course XXVII - Teaching 18: The Celestial Empire

Chung-Ku, center of earth, unshakeable place that the waters did not remove entirely from continental summits preserved like a relic a small group of Lemurian men, adapted to the weather of the new continents defeated or controlled by black Atlanteans or instructed at the same time by them.