
Reflection N° 72 - The American Spiritual Revolution

In 1492, Christopher Columbus discovered America, a giant continent extended from one pole to another, a New World. It goes on to be new because the Americans ignore their destiny, are unaware of the mission that the Providence has foreseen, and did not produce an original civilization.

Reflection N° 58 - New Instruments

Since immemorial times, the Atlanteans have been the wisest men; they had no religion, temple, written sciences. Through direct knowledge they were aware of the reality of every visible and invisible dimension.

Reflection N° 116 - Personal God

In Mankind, there are Gods everywhere. In some countries, for instance Argentina, these Gods live on top of each other, but they do not speak: they are proud and stay absorbed in their own greatness.

Reflection N° 118 - Change of Race

The Canon of Santiago Bovisio’s Teachings begins with Hidrochosa, another name for Aquarius, and announces the change of Race, from the Race of the sign of Pisces to the new American Race or Age of Sakib, saying: “New ideas and works are prepared for the world”.

Reflection N° 119 - Lonely

A man will be universal when and if he develops his potential powers that lie in him since the beginning. He has access to material dimensions and, in some few especial cases, to plural worlds.

Reflection N° 122 - A Planet Renewed

The Earth is shaken at every side, and men are frightened. It is neither the first nor the second time. When Solon, one of the Seven Sages of Greece, visited Egypt for his studies, certain priests in the temple of Sais talked to him about the sinking of Atlantis and the Flood, and said it had not be the only Flood but many others had occurred throughout the times with Earth collapses and emergence of new lands.

Reflection N° 125 - The Future Is Present

For years, we have read novels and essays, and watched movie pictures and TV series about the world destruction at a near future. Prophecies and interpretations are coming from the days of Nostradamus.

Reflection N° 148 - Renunciation of Every Day

The Universe of the Human Civilization is full of possessions giving benefits. Even the remotest rock in the Ocean has an owner –a country, an international consortium, a virtual owner registering it.

Reflection N° 153 - Chronicles of the last human cycle

1900: Discovery of the radioactivity by Becquerel, Pierre and Marie Curie. First years: Max Plank, discovery of quantum mechanics. Development of explosion motor, diesel, motor racing, cinematography, wireless telegraph, electric railways, intra oceanic telephones, aviation, conquest of the Poles, Great Britain, the first power of an immense sea empire, “The Young Ladies of Avignon”, by Picasso, and “The Rite of Spring,” by Igor Stravinsky.

Reflection N° 159 - The Argentine Mission

When the Italian Fascism became dangerous for Esoteric Orders in the 20’s, the Superior of the Esoteric Order of Fire in Venice, Giovanni Venibiene, sent Santiago Bovisio, a young man of spiritual gifts mainly developed, to Buenos Aires to safeguard the ancient teachings of the Order, which are not be found anywhere and keep the history of Races, the creation of the Planetary System, and the destiny of Humanity until its last material stage.