
Reflection N° 97 - C.A.F.H.– February, 2010

Some persons have asked me to write a biography of Santiago Bovisio. But it is impossible because the Great Masters are unattainable to mortals. Those who have tried to give an explanation about Great Masters have left nonsensical writings.

Reflection N° 98 - Historic Continuum

For a better understanding of this Reflection it is necessary to consult the following Teachings of “History of Esoteric Orders”: Arabian Wisdom and the Veiled Woman; Ancient Egypt and The Temple of Initiation.

Reflection N° 82 - EGOENCIA

“Ideas and new works are being prepared for the world. In case that the race of the Christian sign of the fish has highly developed states of collectivity, great movements, and mass organizations, the sixth sub-race will particularly develop egoencia of being.

Reflection N° 127 - Circles

On Sunday October 3, at the premises of the Village of Children, we have celebrated another anniversary of the birth of Master Santiago and, on this occasion, the Honor Prize was for Dr.

Course XXVI - Teaching 3: The Ancient Egypt

Here we must repeat again an ancient and ever-present question: is there a God Creator, or is there not a God Creator? And in possession of clear personal ideas one has to respond conscientiously.

Course XXVI - Teaching 5: Amon in the Hellenic Schools

The esoteric school that might be called polytheistic reached its summit in Egypt, eventually decayed and its temples remained entirely buried in the sand. Moslems impeded their search and just recently, hardly half a century ago, temples and sepulchers were excavated and entirely exoteric inscriptions deciphered.

Course XXVII - Teaching 29: Ancient Mexican Religions

The Aztecs, Miltecs and Toltecs are very similar to the Incas in religion and customs, and also descendants of the Atlanteans. Contrary to the redskins of the Rocky Mountains, who had preserved the highest degree the customs of an entirely spiritual religion, with patriarchal and venerable habits, these natives of Central America were materialistic, fierce and bloodthirsty.

Course XXVIII - Teaching 5: Egyptian Gods

The memory of the Divine Atlantean Religion promoted among the Egyptians the worship of Solar gods: Ra (the sun), Atonu (Solar god), and Shour, Anuri and Amon (gods of days).

Course XXVIII - Teaching 12: The Indians

Remnants of Atlantean tribes, emigrating toward the centre of the American continent, came by following a narrow strip of earth saved from many earthquakes. This continent, virgin and splendid in its savage state, extended toward the south-east, where the mountain range loomed with its immaculate crests, emerging as if from the sea foam.

Course XXX - Teaching 10: Theistic or Dualistic Philosophy

The concept of a personal God as centre and life of the Universe, creator of all beings, is a conception of the Egyptian thought. The Ishwara of the Hindu is the only point that unites Infinite with finite; when a Hindu reveres Ishwara he venerates the Eternity from which he is an emanation, but the God of Egypt is He and nothing more than He.