Course XXII - Enseñanza 9: Otras Meditaciones Afectivas Pasivas

Faith is the intimate recognition by the human being of the identity of his essence with the Divine Mother. Faith may influence a man more or less advantageously, but this is dependent upon the thickness of veils surrounding him.
So, to certain extent, it is true that Faith is made, provided you understand that this Faith –eternal but hidden in the very center of the individual being– radiates its Light more and more brilliantly as long as it gets rid from every veil of the illusory personality.
Perseverance feeds on Faith and grows in Faith. As a man increases the influence of Faith, by this stimulus he persists and seeks perfection. It is by this Faith that he renews his inner Strength, which make him fitter for constantly adoring the Divine in the true inner Silence, –a Silence that makes him feel steady and safe in front of evil. By Perseverance he stands more and more the Black Lady’s attacks, and his harmonious and watchful life becomes more and more inalterable Fidelity to the Divine Mother.
The Sons receive permanent help from the Holy Masters, which duly returned by efforts of the Sons, enables and permits to follow the propitiatory path marked by the Regulation and Method of Cafh.
The Teaching, Radius of Stability, Meditation, loving and unselfish advice of the Superior, and many other goods for the soul, are means to achieve this intimate and unitive recognition by strengthening Faith and Perseverance.
So, what human consolation and bliss, what human rapture can be compared with the knowledge that the Divine Mother inhabits in us and that, also, all beings can live more and more in the Divine Presence by using the above-mentioned liberation means?

Cafh Founder

Disciple, the Teachings –free, generous and magisterial– are at your disposal. It is up to you. Master Santiago came back!
