Methods of Meditation

Course XXII - Teaching 1: Schemes for Meditation

In Cafh, the first vow marks the birth of a new life. It implies a need for reviewing old concepts structuring a way of feeling thinking and acting. This special structure of feelings and thoughts, and of its correlated action, would compose the old man, and had been built from premises that gave as the only reality a reality constituted by the physical body and its needs.

Course XXII - Teaching 2: Transition

Things die in this world, and this is a judgment emerged in the understanding of man by means of quite simple observation. What lacks Beginning, what Is, what is Immortal, is intuition, an irrational glimpse of divine character, achieved by those beings who were able and knew how to promote their inner and essential values.

Course XXII - Teaching 3: Texts for Discursive Meditation

Whatever activity undertaken by man demands certain guide. If this statement is a simple and strong axiom for everybody, in an individual being who wants to follow the spiritual path, this statement should become a fervent and intimate yearning for being fit and get the help that the Holy Masters are constantly offering from higher supra-physical planes.

Course XXII - Teaching 4: Affective Meditation on the “Black Lady” and the “Abyss”

A man that disregards the supernatural aspect and reflects about those things that he perceives in human relations, will conclude that everything is lost for him. For example, he will realize how words, especially those referred to moral or ethical attitudes, and said by men of today, are mere conventional sounds that express partial, superficial and most time false aspects of those attitudes.

Course XXII - Teaching 5: Affective Meditation on the “Two Ways” and the “Standard”

A man that by the assistance of the Holy Masters has abhorred his previous life and is sunk in the desolated abyss confronts the Way to the Mount peak. So, he cannot continue only abhorring his personality and feeling desolate between a world rejected and a Heaven glimpsed, because the new way in front of him is an imperative invitation to the liberating journey.

Course XXII - Teaching 6: Affective Meditation on the “Golden Temple” and the “Veil of Ahehia”

Usually the present man projects his own being outward, as if he recalled certain fights which, in the beginning of the race, took place against hostile forces of Nature, but also looks for consolation outside himself; he looks for human consolation.

Course XXII - Teaching 7: Affective Meditation on “Resurrection of Hes”

The Old Man hardly lives, even after he developed entirely his possibilities as a human being. A human being lives; the Old Man hardly lives. Can you consider it an integral life if he lives disconnected from the Divine Source?

Course XXII - Teaching 8: Affective Passive Meditations

Please recall this, the exercise of Affective Meditation leads ordinary feelings to transmute internally into goods of the soul by making them fit for a gradual higher identification with the Image created during the practice of Discursive Meditation.

Course XXII - Enseñanza 9: Otras Meditaciones Afectivas Pasivas

Faith is the intimate recognition by the human being of the identity of his essence with the Divine Mother. Faith may influence a man more or less advantageously, but this is dependent upon the thickness of veils surrounding him.

Course XXII - Teaching 10: Stimulating Affective Meditations

In the frame of active meditations you find the mode called stimulating meditation. According to this classification, through the exercise and practice of this mode of meditation, the Son aims at his own stimulation by following the example and by thoroughly grasping an imaginative and emotionally powerful picture.