Course XXII - Teaching 3: Texts for Discursive Meditation

Whatever activity undertaken by man demands certain guide.
If this statement is a simple and strong axiom for everybody, in an individual being who wants to follow the spiritual path, this statement should become a fervent and intimate yearning for being fit and get the help that the Holy Masters are constantly offering from higher supra-physical planes. The spiritual Being knows that not only his human weakness, but even his own reason, darken the way that he has to cover, and that he can reach the Divine Goal only with the Holy Masters’ guide.
In the particular case of the Sons, they know that the Superior gets that divine help, and that this help reaches the Sons by means of him.
But it is proper to repeat the simile of the radio set. This help, this divine guide can become effective only in that Son that, with loving will, makes efforts to be in tune with it.
This loving yearning of the soul can reduce its power, and even disappear by the influence of negative veils, which become thicker as the Son is practically reluctant to fulfill the spiritual life.
It is then when old habits gain strength again, and the Son feels the cold of helplessness; he cannot deny the invisible presence of the Masters, but sees how the mystical fire becomes lukewarm, a fire those in times of enthusiasm and exaltation was blazing.
All this has been possible because he enabled his own personality to direct the choice, and shining and spectacular external things attracted his attention and made him to turn outward those personal values which he previously had made efforts to transmute into goods of the soul by means of prayer, meditation and spiritual asceticism.
But as Love and help of the Holy Masters are uninterruptedly permeating the whole Creation, the Son can come back from this void, from this darkness, toward the Light of that eternally-present Grace, and meet again, in his own Essence, the Master that has lovingly waited for his return.
It is then when the Son, by glorifying his Holy Vows, renews the stones of his sepulchre of flesh and personality, and fervently goes toward the open Heavens of the true Resurrection. He leaves behind his burden of human attachments as humble offerings to the Holy Mother. Internally he keeps painful voids every time he eradicates one of them, but soon the divine Love and Truth fill up those voids and flood his soul by resuming his loving dialogue with the Master.
And it is this intimate and secret recognition of the Son about the achievement of the Great Work of God in his soul, that illuminates the Path for coming back Home, a Home that is eternal.
The Son should strive for and not to despair, ever lovingly watchful not to give up in his struggle for reaching that glimpsed Great Goal, and as he did in the sorrowful path of little and big renunciations, so he should go on to walk now that he has resurrected to the true life toward this unifying meeting with the Divine Master.

Cafh Founder

Disciple, the Teachings –free, generous and magisterial– are at your disposal. It is up to you. Master Santiago came back!
