Texts for Discursive Meditation

Course XX - Teaching 3: Texts for Discursive Meditation

Text: “Non est hic: Resurrexit!" “He is not here; he is risen!”(Angel’s voice to Magdalene). Consider oh Soul willing to follow the spiritual path how much you need a Master to guide you till the moment you are able to walk alone.

Course XXI - Teaching 3: Texts for Discursive Meditation

Text: “Non est hic: Resurrexit!” “Noli me tangere.” One always requests of God to be alone, because we suffer the weight of companies that affect and impede our inner search. When one is alone, vices and virtues of the soul show up clearly in the consciousness; so, we can direct our efforts to the conquest of spiritual virtues.

Course XXII - Teaching 3: Texts for Discursive Meditation

Whatever activity undertaken by man demands certain guide. If this statement is a simple and strong axiom for everybody, in an individual being who wants to follow the spiritual path, this statement should become a fervent and intimate yearning for being fit and get the help that the Holy Masters are constantly offering from higher supra-physical planes.