Course XIII - Teaching 6: Meditation and its Apprenticeship

Exercises of meditation must be known properly by the Son.
First, he must be internally ready to pray; otherwise he shall acquire this predisposition by overcoming himself and persevering in his exercises. Second, he must learn how to apply technically the exercise. The teaching about the exercise may have two difficulties: whether a difficult expression of ideas, or verbosity.
A trend to excessive talk can denote exuberant imagination, rich and buoyant emotions, externalization habit, eagerness for domination which is hiding an inferiority complex, or simply usual vain talk.
In difficult expression case, generally one has to teach how to externalize ideas. There may be shyness or fear to ridicule, or a marked introversion stopping any externalization. But usually, even though a person knows how to tell things, he does not know what to say, and this unveils lack of inner knowledge in souls.
Difficult expression does not denote poor inner life. Behind an usual outer silence, many persons hide true spiritual treasures, even though some of them have only fanciful imagination, morbidly use to look continuously at themselves, or tirelessly to return, ceaselessly, to their own troubles, but not going out of there, that is, of their self-pity and moaning.
All these trends are expurgated by the meditation exercise, and by knowledge given by inner life. The apprenticeship may be hard or not, but at the end one gets a technique. Sometimes this technique is the last resource: it is the new façade that protects and again displaces the center of the conflict inwards, supported by the conviction of having faced it; and one is centered again on a false personality.
Some people need to be alone with the Divine Mother, regardless their exercises, in which a soul is sincere in front of the heart. It may be a discharge of insufficient spiritual sensibility that cannot be controlled by the exercise, or also true inner calls. But this may occur because the exercise is a genuine expression of the soul and of its fundamental needs. Being reduced to an organized and orderly developed thought, one does not work with the entire soul power. It is good to know the method in depth, petition modes, and how to awaken the emotional side. Even though one does have it, this is only valid for the exercise spoken, because when you pass to a mental exercise, then vagaries, poor images and emotions, dryness and fatigue may come. It is lacking a persuasive, suggestive and magnetic soul power leading this soul to true meditation.
The word creates the atmosphere for meditation according to the hue of the strength used during the exercise, until you get deep and intense feelings at will.
This exercise is a true science. To get its results, its analytic and exhaustive study is not indispensable, but is sufficient to do it methodically. But those who guide souls must know it.

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Disciple, the Teachings –free, generous and magisterial– are at your disposal. It is up to you. Master Santiago came back!
