Course XVI - Teaching 2: Clear Idea during Prayer

The soul is alive and present in the depths of one’s being. But the soul remains covered by veils. The Son should do a great work, that is, to destroy those veils.
A loving feeling, based on a clear idea, is indispensable to a right prayer in search of these goals.
Words are not enough during meditation. These words should be felt within, as strong as life itself, and invincible as death. The Son has been chosen to take part in a task on the world, and perhaps he may never glimpse the transcendence and projection of this task as a whole. But in fact, though he does not grasp the Great Work, he has been chosen and is obliged to promote his important unknown energies, potentially deposited in his soul depths; so, as a result of these energies discovered and updated through prayer, veils of the soul are removed.
The Son should remember his privilege of coming into contact with the divine, and that God Himself is claiming so that men may relate to Him directly and freely. And this right is confirmed in the Son because this Son was able to reach a path discovered in a vocational way. He may fail in some way, but the most important step has been taken. Now, this power should emanate continuously from him, affirming himself more and more on this unique idea, that is, the divine is worthwhile, and nothing more. He must be certain, with a certainty that allows him to exclaim beyond any doubt: “The Divine Mother dwells in my soul”.
The soul force, re-discovered by prayer, should be present in the Son and with so great certainty in his mind so that he may express this idea to the full: “This is so because is so”.
He can never think he is not eternal.
Veils should be destroyed and swept, but this demands a soul united with the divine in an indissoluble way.
Intimately, the Son knows himself to be an abode where both human and divine factors fuse together.
He shall convey this formula to other souls: that of great freedom, unique and stainless.
The souls are in quest of an amulet because are deprived of this total faith; any shadow would fade away if they had this certainty; then, they would gather immediately divine light, air and sun. And this is the Son’s primordial mission, –his characteristic mission.
So, a being must ask and try to discover continuously, through his loving prayer, where his vocation can find again those divine and human values.
So, the soul is saved through an intense bliss derived from a rotating love, which is the result of a pure feeling supported by a simple, clear and unique idea, the divinity of the soul. So, the Son should learn how to love through prayer, and to teach others this wonderful method of prayer.
The Son is able to attain a true and genuine happiness by means of a prayer leading him to the pure love; this prayer shall be the safest rudder to sail through the eternal waters of the divine.

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Disciple, the Teachings –free, generous and magisterial– are at your disposal. It is up to you. Master Santiago came back!
