Course IX - Teaching 13: Knight Masters

The Knight Master is the supreme authority in the Table. His mission is to watch as a father over the spiritual, moral and material concerns of the Sons trusted to him.
To watch as a father excludes any arbitrary command, but gives rise to certain severity of a paterfamilias. Also, it involves personal selflessness, invariable love to the souls, and spiritual zeal.
The vast responsibility of the Knight Master is proportional to the importance of those interests which he has to watch over; because he shall take care not only of the spiritual process of the Sons, but also that of their material and social concerns, since both concerns are related to the soul.
As the Knight Masters is chosen, he assumes the responsibility not only before God, but also before the Knight Great Master whom he must report periodically about his acts and about the acts of the Sons of his Table, since the Knight Great Master is the one who transforms him through an act of confirmation into a channel of Cafh’s Current, custody of its knowledge and tool of its Work.
As to how the Knight Master must exercise his authority, the Regulation says his authority must be eminently moral. That is to say, he shall not impose his authority through no other tool than the example of his virtuous life and his consecration.
The Knight Great Master has his exclusive functions in the spiritual labor that each Table carries out.
So, the Knight Master must impart Retirements in the Stability radius. Retirements are for the Sons a source of encouragement and increase of mystical fervor; so, nothing is better than the guide of the Knight Master that by virtue of having been chosen and confirmed, one can take for granted that he is an expert in this sense.
Moreover, an exclusive function of the Knight Master is that of receiving the Sons for a particular conference. We have already mentioned the significance of these conferences for the Sons. So, necessarily, the Knight Master must carry out these conferences, even when sometimes he is not the Spiritual Director of the Son.
On the other hand, the Knight Master must watch over the teachings imparted in the Table by instructing the Orators and imparting personally those teachings, and even by asking Orators of the Knight Great Master, if his Table has no Orators.
Finally, the Knight Master must watch over the fulfillment of the Regulation, for the Sons to stay in the Stability Radius of the Table, to be in touch with the Secretaries of the groups and to make fulfill meetings of numbers. Moreover, he must make the Sons of Cafh cultivate candidates to enter the Holy Order. This must be his particular task.
The Regulation establishes in detail how to choose the Knight Master. It is an important and transcendental act for the Table, and the Sons must attend with spiritual unction. This is the only opportunity for the Table to reunite totally, and encouraged by only one purpose, it unites this day the strength of their emotions and minds. So, the spiritual assistance is intense, and this allows the Sons taking their Vows with their thoughts centered on the souls for their sake, and on no other secondary concern.
If the trust of Cafh in the Knight Masters is great, also their mission is great: because of its category and beauty, because of the knowledge that it offers, and because through his labor guiding the souls toward God, the Knight Master inadvertently comes personally close to God.

Cafh Founder

Disciple, the Teachings –free, generous and magisterial– are at your disposal. It is up to you. Master Santiago came back!
