Course IX - Teaching 9: Benefits of the Sons

Cafh is a living body. Cafh develops and grows as the Sons express fervor, respect and dedication to it, as an organization or as a group of souls.
The Great Current is the sum of efforts and energies brought by Holy Masters and Great Beings from immemorial times to help men realize their divine purposes in them.
There are other currents that collaborate with the Universal Current in the realization of certain part of the divine plan of help, at the same time that they take part as channels to disseminate the Great Current. Cafh takes part in the Great Current and has its own current formed by the contribution of all those that belong to it, and by that of those that constantly make efforts to work for the progress of the souls.
This current permeates every Son and its intensity varies according to the category of the Son.
The category reveals the grade of the Son’s identification with Cafh; the greater identification, naturally the greater is the proportion of the Current, and this involves another benefit for the Sons.
Certain characteristics of the spiritual teaching differentiate it from the ordinary teaching.
The object of the ordinary teaching is to transmit knowledge orally or by writing, from teacher to disciple. In the same way, the disciple can disseminate this knowledge among his companions.
But on the spiritual field, the teaching has a deeper meaning that is wider and supernatural.
Moreover, the spiritual teaching is imparted not only during the time of study and under the form of lessons. An opportune reprimand, warning, encouragement or mortification many times is source of important knowledge to the soul. Even the mere reaction of a Superior before a gesture or a word of his disciple involves for the latter a valuable observation. And this is so because the Master transmits with every teaching something of his own life, that is, knowledge, experience and strength to the Son.
Retirements, conversations, collective walks and travels are other living teachings that Cafh engraves in the souls of the Sons through their Superiors. And since each Son requires of the teaching that his state needs, then he possesses only a part of it.
Another benefit that Cafh grants to its Sons is that they can ask counsel of their Superiors.
Cafh reunites again the faith of him who looks for a counsel with the light of that fountain. It re-establishes the hierarchy of the spiritual man by estimating the counsel that the Superior can grant to the souls and by establishing this counsel as a benefit for the Sons and a holy mission for the Superiors.
There is other benefit that the Sons of Cafh enjoy.
We mentioned above how valuable to Cafh this spiritual hierarchy of the Knight Great Master is. So, the Regulation has established a retired life to the Knight Great Masters, and the guide of the Sons and Tables through the Superiors.
But the Sons many times need not the usual tone of their Superior but an extraordinary word. Their state may need not the limited inspiration of the Superior but the word of him who lives in permanent contact with the Great Current and for the Great Work.
Thence the Sons can come to the Knight Great Master by writing and without intermediaries. Of course, this should not be vain or for insignificant motives. The Spirit of the Regulation has to inspire the Son when this is timely.
Another invaluable benefit is that of being helped in case of serious need.
Desires intensely fostered, uncontrolled vices and passion-like inclinations many times appear as if they were needs before the limited human knowledge.
Just a due understanding of the souls can establish the real existence of a need and his eventual repercussion on a being; so, it shall permit a true help and a well-understood charity.
Poverty not always is negative, since it removes from the soul burdens of pride and vanity, and even physical pain removes haughtiness and pride from man.
When there is a true and serious need, Cafh goes and helps the Son. The Regulation establishes this for the sake of the souls as it includes this among those benefits that the Sons enjoy.
Cafh assists their Sons during their diseases in several ways.
Ultimately, any disease involves an organic unbalance that has to be re-established. Physician and medicines are the proper tools for this purpose. But many diseases become more acute because the individual is not ready within to feel better and lacks a fit psychic stimulation. Then Cafh appears through the assistance of the Superior and through the influence of the Great Current and prayers; these factors bring the recovery of the sick Son.
On the other hand, vices as gluttony, lust and avarice are also cause of diseases of any kind. Important factors to prevent from such diseases are the method that Cafh inculcates, the sobriety derived from its spiritual teaching, and the personal hygiene that it prescribes.
But this assistance is materially perceptible by the bed of a sick Son. Cafh even goes there through the presence of its Superiors, through the care of its Sons, through prayers of its groups, and through the necessary economic contribution so that the soul of the Son lifts the body from the bed of pain.
Cafh also assists its Sons at the moment of their death, and after it.
The eyes shall be spiritually open to the transcendental vision, and just then it shall be possible to understand sufficiently the importance of assisting a dying person.
Cafh loves the soul, and not only takes care of this soul, but also prepares it for the hereafter.
The Son does not go alone through the path to his astral abode after the separation. The Knights Protectors of Cafh go with him and assist him during his journey. The Son, acquainted with the concept of a post-mortem life, is truly comforted by knowing that the Knight of the Threshold is patiently expecting him to lend his hand, and that the Holy Company around has to guide him with his spiritual protection toward the long-wished rest and not toward an hazardous prolongation of the struggle that has caused his death.

Cafh Founder

Disciple, the Teachings –free, generous and magisterial– are at your disposal. It is up to you. Master Santiago came back!
