Course IX - Teaching 15: Attributes, Habits and Festivities in Cafh

Esoteric Orders have used attributes and habits from immemorial times. Also Cafh has its own attributes and habits.
The attribute has a value that is symbolic and real at a time. Its symbolic value lies on the idea that it represents: and reminds continuously to the soul aspects of the divinity that the soul desires to realize. Its real value is on the magnetism that has been pervaded, which turns it into a source of wellbeing for its bearer.
The use of the attributes has its importance. First, as the Son wears the attribute, he establishes a separation between his own origin and the spiritual environment where he enters at that moment. Moreover, he makes the meeting solemn, which reminds to the Son that he is living those moments of transcendence for his soul, and not those of worldly distraction.
Here are the attributes established by the Regulation for several categories of Son: necklace, sword, horse, ring, lamp and cross.
This necklace, composed of 49 links and one medal of silver, is the symbol of 49 centers of force that, being illuminated, show the glory of the Initiate. They are 49 primordial centers that update the comic energy of man and makes him fit to realization. In the medal there is an inscription: the spiritual name of the Son; as one utters this name in certain way, it produces a vibration that puts in tune higher states.
The sword of steel is symbol of individual effort and will in the service of perfecting the soul. It is the most personal attribute, since its magnetization is fruit of psychic and spiritual conquests of the Son; and it is two-edged because makes no commitment with ties, inclinations and memories, and at a time opens breaches in the higher worlds.
The head of a horse is symbol of the horse, or the soul in control of the body. Doubtless, the ring represents the most important attribute. The crown denotes the distinction of spiritual lineage that the Knight possesses, and the sign of Ankh, which he wears, symbolizes the tie of union between divinity and humanity, which suggests to the soul the search of balance between matter and spirit. The brilliant represents the sun of the spirit and in the ring is the accumulator of magnetism harmoniously radiated through eight phases of the crown.
The lamp is the attribute of the Ordained Son. Its flame ever burns and suggests to the soul the need of watching over permanently, of keeping the fire burning, which is the element of purification: it is symbol of a constant state of prayer and absorption.
The initiatory cross of the Knight Great Master, and that of the Knights Masters, is symbol of spiritual power oriented toward the supreme realization.
Moreover, to wear the habit is spiritually important. As the Son wears the habit, he leaves outside the material man and gives eminence to the soul. Along with the attribute, the habit separates attitudes and mental moods and makes a spiritual labor easier and better. The Sons of Cafh, with the exception of the Ordained, only wear proper attires. The Ordained Sons wear etiquette attires and cloaks.
Festivities are especial opportunities for Cafh to grant to the Sons higher spiritual power, which provides with increased fervor, greater fraternization and moments of expansion. Generally, festivities coincide with certain planetary aspects that make a magnetization easier and better. On the other hand, on every festivity there is a characteristic ceremony, and these ceremonies are ways to distribute the Current among the Sons.
Each festivity has its symbolic meaning. So, the Moon festivity of the twentieth-eight February symbolizes the opening of the Mother’s Book. The Sons reassume their studies and search of unitive knowledge. This date is favorable to it, since the position of the planets regarding earth produces a favorable radiation on the mental activity.
The Full Moon festivity of May is that of the spirit. Great and little souls, anxious to perfect themselves and live for the Great Work, this time stimulate each other with meetings, talks and healthy joy. Messages of the Masters, collective banquets, and all the Sons together stimulate them to a more intense labor and greater spiritual zeal.
Moreover, the festivity of the Initiated Knight is extremely symbolic. It leads the Sons to admire the Liberated Man, and this state constitutes the object of their aims. The Liberated Man is symbol of a perfect Knight, of an exalted man. The festivity is devoted to the Knight Great Master because he represents for his Sons the supreme spiritual authority on earth.
As the course ends up, its festivity prepares the Son for his vacation. Trials and temptations appear as the book of life closes up its covers for a while. Then Cafh prepares the forces of the Son for the struggle with a spiritual festivity and a subsequent ceremony.
Attributes, habits and festivities are so many other mental and energetic tools through which Cafh pours its power and spirituality on the souls of its Sons.

Cafh Founder

Disciple, the Teachings –free, generous and magisterial– are at your disposal. It is up to you. Master Santiago came back!
